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雨果 悲惨世界 英文版2-第127章

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  Moreover; he had in his favor that great remendation to the throne; exile。
  He had been proscribed; a wanderer; poor。
  He had lived by his own labor。
  In Switzerland; this heir to the richest princely domains in France had sold an old horse in order to obtain bread。
  At Reichenau; he gave lessons in mathematics; while his sister Adelaide did wool work and sewed。 These souvenirs connected with a king rendered the bourgeoisie enthusiastic。
  He had; with his own hands; demolished the iron cage of Mont…Saint…Michel; built by Louis XI; and used by Louis XV。 He was the panion of Dumouriez; he was the friend of Lafayette; he had belonged to the Jacobins' club; Mirabeau had slapped him on the shoulder; Danton had said to him:
  〃Young man!〃 At the age of four and twenty; in '93; being then M。 de Chartres; he had witnessed; from the depth of a box; the trial of Louis XVI。; so well named that poor tyrant。
  The blind clairvoyance of the Revolution; breaking royalty in the King and the King with royalty; did so almost without noticing the man in the fierce crushing of the idea; the vast storm of the Assembly…Tribunal; the public wrath interrogating; Capet not knowing what to reply; the alarming; stupefied vacillation by that royal head beneath that sombre breath; the relative innocence of all in that catastrophe; of those who condemned as well as of the man condemned;he had looked on those things; he had contemplated that giddiness; he had seen the centuries appear before the bar of the Assembly…Convention; he had beheld; behind Louis XVI。; that unfortunate passer…by who was made responsible; the terrible culprit; the monarchy; rise through the shadows; and there had lingered in his soul the respectful fear of these immense justices of the populace; which are almost as impersonal as the justice of God。
  The trace left in him by the Revolution was prodigious。
  Its memory was like a living imprint of those great years; minute by minute。 One day; in the presence of a witness whom we are not permitted to doubt; he rectified from memory the whole of the letter A in the alphabetical list of the Constituent Assembly。
  Louis Philippe was a king of the broad daylight。
  While he reigned the press was free; the tribune was free; conscience and speech were free。
  The laws of September are open to sight。 Although fully aware of the gnawing power of light on privileges; he left his throne exposed to the light。
  History will do justice to him for this loyalty。
  Louis Philippe; like all historical men who have passed from the scene; is to…day put on his trial by the human conscience。
  His case is; as yet; only in the lower court。
  The hour when history speaks with its free and venerable accent; has not yet sounded for him; the moment has not e to pronounce a definite judgment on this king; the austere and illustrious historian Louis Blanc has himself recently softened his first verdict; Louis Philippe was elected by those two almosts which are called the 221 and 1830; that is to say; by a half…Parliament; and a half…revolution; and in any case; from the superior point of view where philosophy must place itself; we cannot judge him here; as the reader has seen above; except with certain reservations in the name of the absolute democratic principle; in the eyes of the absolute; outside these two rights; the right of man in the first place; the right of the people in the second; all is usurpation; but what we can say; even at the present day; that after making these reserves is; that to sum up the whole; and in whatever manner he is considered; Louis Philippe; taken in himself; and from the point of view of human goodness; will remain; to use the antique language of ancient history; one of the best princes who ever sat on a throne。
  What is there against him?
  That throne。
  Take away Louis Philippe the king; there remains the man。
  And the man is good。
  He is good at times even to the point of being admirable。
  Often; in the midst of his gravest souvenirs; after a day of conflict with the whole diplomacy of the continent; he returned at night to his apartments; and there; exhausted with fatigue; overwhelmed with sleep; what did he do? He took a death sentence and passed the night in revising a criminal suit; considering it something to hold his own against Europe; but that it was a still greater matter to rescue a man from the executioner。 He obstinately maintained his opinion against his keeper of the seals; he disputed the ground with the guillotine foot by foot against the crown attorneys; those chatterers of the law; as he called them。 Sometimes the pile of sentences covered his table; he examined them all; it was anguish to him to abandon these miserable; condemned heads。 One day; he said to the same witness to whom we have recently referred: 〃I won seven last night。〃
  During the early years of his reign; the death penalty was as good as abolished; and the erection of a scaffold was a violence mitted against the King。
  The Greve having disappeared with the elder branch; a bourgeois place of execution was instituted under the name of the Barriere…Saint…Jacques; 〃practical men〃 felt the necessity of a quasi…legitimate guillotine; and this was one of the victories of Casimir Perier; who represented the narrow sides of the bourgeoisie; over Louis Philippe; who represented its liberal sides。
  Louis Philippe annotated Beccaria with his own hand。
  After the Fieschi machine; he exclaimed: 〃What a pity that I was not wounded!
  Then I might have pardoned!〃 On another occasion; alluding to the resistance offered by his ministry; he wrote in connection with a political criminal; who is one of the most generous figures of our day:
  〃His pardon is granted; it only remains for me to obtain it。〃
  Louis Philippe was as gentle as Louis IX。 and as kindly as Henri IV。
  Now; to our mind; in history; where kindness is the rarest of pearls; the man who is kindly almost takes precedence of the man who is great。
  Louis Philippe having been severely judged by some; harshly; perhaps; by others; it is quite natural that a man; himself a phantom at the pre
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