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雨果 悲惨世界 英文版2-第132章

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  The Jacques were the poor。
  On another occasion two men were heard to say to each other as they passed by:
  〃We have a good plan of attack。〃
  Only the following was caught of a private conversation between four men who were crouching in a ditch of the circle of the Barriere du Trone:
  〃Everything possible will be done to prevent his walking about Paris any more。〃
  Who was the he?
  Menacing obscurity。
  〃The principal leaders;〃 as they said in the faubourg; held themselves apart。
  It was supposed that they met for consultation in a wine…shop near the point Saint…Eustache。 A certain Aug; chief of the Society aid for tailors; Rue Mondetour; had the reputation of serving as intermediary central between the leaders and the Faubourg Saint…Antoine。
  Nevertheless; there was always a great deal of mystery about these leaders; and no certain fact can invalidate the singular arrogance of this reply made later on by a man accused before the Court of Peers:
  〃Who was your leader?〃
  〃I knew of none and I recognized none。〃
  There was nothing but words; transparent but vague; sometimes idle reports; rumors; hearsay。
  Other indications cropped up。
  A carpenter; occupied in nailing boards to a fence around the ground on which a house was in process of construction; in the Rue de Reuilly found on that plot the torn fragment of a letter on which were still legible the following lines:
   The mittee must take measures to prevent recruiting in the sections for the different societies。
   And; as a postscript:
   We have learned that there are guns in the Rue du Faubourg…Poissonniere; No。 5 'bis'; to the number of five or six thousand; in the house of a gunsmith in that court。
  The section owns no arms。
   What excited the carpenter and caused him to show this thing to his neighbors was the fact; that a few paces further on he picked up another paper; torn like the first; and still more significant; of which we reproduce a facsimile; because of the historical interest attaching to these strange documents:
  | Q| C | D | E | Learn this list by heart。 After so doing | | | | || you will tear it up。 The men admitted | | | | | | will do thesame when you have transmitted | | | | | | their orders to them。 | | | | | | Health and Fraternity; | | | | | | u og a fe L。 |
   It was only later on that the persons who were in the secret of this find at the time; learned the significance of those four capital letters:
  quinturions; centurions; decurions; eclaireurs 'scouts'; and the sense of the letters:
  u og a fe; which was a date; and meant April 15th; 1832。
  Under each capital letter were inscribed names followed by very characteristic notes。
  Q。 Bannerel。 8 guns; 83 cartridges。
  A safe man。C。 Boubiere。
  1 pistol; 40 cartridges。D。 Rollet。
  1 foil; 1 pistol; 1 pound of powder。 E。 Tessier。
  1 sword; 1 cartridge…box。 Exact。Terreur。
  8 guns。 Brave; etc。
  Finally; this carpenter found; still in the same enclosure; a third paper on which was written in pencil; but very legibly; this sort of enigmatical list:Unite:
  Blanchard: Arbre…Sec。 6。 
  Kosciusko。 Aubry the Butcher? 
  J。 J。 R。 
  Caius Gracchus。 
  Right of revision。
  Fall of the Girondists。
  1 pistol; 86 cartridges。 
  Sovereignty of the people。 Michel。 Quincampoix。 Sword。 
  Tilly; crier of the Populaire。
   The honest bourgeois into whose hands this list fell knew its significance。
  It appears that this list was the plete nomenclature of the sections of the fourth arondissement of the Society of the Rights of Man; with the names and dwellings of the chiefs of sections。 To…day; when all these facts which were obscure are nothing more than history; we may publish them。
  It should be added; that the foundation of the Society of the Rights of Man seems to have been posterior to the date when this paper was found。
  Perhaps this was only a rough draft。
  Still; according to all the remarks and the words; according to written notes; material facts begin to make their appearance。
  In the Rue Popincourt; in the house of a dealer in bric…abrac; there were seized seven sheets of gray paper; all folded alike lengthwise and in four; these sheets enclosed twenty…six squares of this same gray paper folded in the form of a cartridge; and a card; on which was written the following: 
   Saltpetre 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 12 ounces。
 ?Sulphur 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 2 ounces。
 ?Charcoal 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 2
 ?ounces and a half。 
 ?Water 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 2 ounces。
   The report of the seizure stated that the drawer exhaled a strong smell of powder。
  A mason returning from his day's work; left behind him a little package on a bench near the bridge of Austerlitz。
  This package was taken to the police station。
  It was opened; and in it were found two printed dialogues; signed Lahautiere; a song entitled: 〃Workmen; band together;〃 and a tin box full of cartridges。
  One artisan drinking with a rade made the latter feel him to see how warm he was; the other man felt a pistol under his waistcoat。
  In a ditch on the boulevard; between Pere…Lachaise and the Barriere du Trone; at the most deserted spot; some children; while playing; discovered beneath a mass of shavings and refuse bits of wood; a bag containing a bullet…mould; a wooden punch for the preparation of cartridges; a wooden bowl; in which there were grains of hunting…powder; and a little cast…iron pot whose interior presented evident traces of melted lead。
  Police agents; making their way suddenly and unexpectedly at five o'clock in the morning; into the dwelling of a certain Pardon; who was afterwards a member of the Barricade…Merry section and got himself killed in the insurrection of April; 1834; found him standing near his bed; and holding in his hand some cartridges which he was in the act of preparing。
  Towards the hour when workingme
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