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雨果 悲惨世界 英文版2-第68章

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 good milk for the magnanimous。
  There came a moment in Marius' life; when he swept his own landing; when he bought his sou's worth of Brie cheese at the fruiterer's; when he waited until twilight had fallen to slip into the baker's and purchase a loaf; which he carried off furtively to his attic as though he had stolen it。
  Sometimes there could be seen gliding into the butcher's shop on the corner; in the midst of the bantering cooks who elbowed him; an awkward young man; carrying big books under his arm; who had a timid yet angry air; who; on entering; removed his hat from a brow whereon stood drops of perspiration; made a profound bow to the butcher's astonished wife; asked for a mutton cutlet; paid six or seven sous for it; wrapped it up in a paper; put it under his arm; between two books; and went away。 It was Marius。
  On this cutlet; which he cooked for himself; he lived for three days。
  On the first day he ate the meat; on the second he ate the fat; on the third he gnawed the bone。
  Aunt Gillenormand made repeated attempts; and sent him the sixty pistoles several times。 Marius returned them on every occasion; saying that he needed nothing。
  He was still in mourning for his father when the revolution which we have just described was effected within him。
  From that time forth; he had not put off his black garments。
  But his garments were quitting him。
  The day came when he had no longer a coat。 The trousers would go next。
  What was to be done?
  Courfeyrac; to whom he had; on his side; done some good turns; gave him an old coat。 For thirty sous; Marius got it turned by some porter or other; and it was a new coat。
  But this coat was green。
  Then Marius ceased to go out until after nightfall。
  This made his coat black。 As he wished always to appear in mourning; he clothed himself with the night。
  In spite of all this; he got admitted to practice as a lawyer。 He was supposed to live in Courfeyrac's room; which was decent; and where a certain number of law…books backed up and pleted by several dilapidated volumes of romance; passed as the library required by the regulations。
  He had his letters addressed to Courfeyrac's quarters。
  When Marius became a lawyer; he informed his grandfather of the fact in a letter which was cold but full of submission and respect。 M。 Gillenormand trembled as he took the letter; read it; tore it in four pieces; and threw it into the waste…basket。 Two or three days later; Mademoiselle Gillenormand heard her father; who was alone in his room; talking aloud to himself。
  He always did this whenever he was greatly agitated。
  She listened; and the old man was saying: 〃If you were not a fool; you would know that one cannot be a baron and a lawyer at the same time。〃

   It is the same with wretchedness as with everything else。
  It ends by being bearable。
  It finally assumes a form; and adjusts itself。 One vegetates; that is to say; one develops in a certain meagre fashion; which is; however; sufficient for life。
  This is the mode in which the existence of Marius Pontmercy was arranged:
  He had passed the worst straits; the narrow pass was opening out a little in front of him。
  By dint of toil; perseverance; courage; and will; he had managed to draw from his work about seven hundred francs a year。 He had learned German and English; thanks to Courfeyrac; who had put him in munication with his friend the publisher; Marius filled the modest post of utility man in the literature of the publishing house。 He drew up prospectuses; translated newspapers; annotated editions; piled biographies; etc。; net product; year in and year out; seven hundred francs。
  He lived on it。
  Not so badly。 We will explain。
  Marius occupied in the Gorbeau house; for an annual sum of thirty francs; a den minus a fireplace; called a cabinet; which contained only the most indispensable articles of furniture。
  This furniture belonged to him。
  He gave three francs a month to the old principal tenant to e and sweep his hole; and to bring him a little hot water every morning; a fresh egg; and a penny roll。
  He breakfasted on this egg and roll。
  His breakfast varied in cost from two to four sous; according as eggs were dear or cheap。
  At six o'clock in the evening he descended the Rue Saint…Jacques to dine at Rousseau's; opposite Basset's; the stamp…dealer's; on the corner of the Rue des Mathurins。
  He ate no soup。
  He took a six…sou plate of meat; a half…portion of vegetables for three sous; and a three…sou dessert。 For three sous he got as much bread as he wished。
  As for wine; he drank water。
  When he paid at the desk where Madam Rousseau; at that period still plump and rosy majestically presided; he gave a sou to the waiter; and Madam Rousseau gave him a smile。 Then he went away。
  For sixteen sous he had a smile and a dinner。
  This Restaurant Rousseau; where so few bottles and so many water carafes were emptied; was a calming potion rather than a restaurant。 It no longer exists。
  The proprietor had a fine nickname:
  he was called Rousseau the Aquatic。
  Thus; breakfast four sous; dinner sixteen sous; his food cost him twenty sous a day; which made three hundred and sixty…five francs a year。
  Add the thirty francs for rent; and the thirty…six francs to the old woman; plus a few trifling expenses; for four hundred and fifty francs; Marius was fed; lodged; and waited on。 His clothing cost him a hundred francs; his linen fifty francs; his washing fifty francs; the whole did not exceed six hundred and fifty francs。
  He was rich。
  He sometimes lent ten francs to a friend。 Courfeyrac had once been able to borrow sixty francs of him。 As far as fire was concerned; as Marius had no fireplace; he had 〃simplified matters。〃
  Marius always had two plete suits of clothes; the one old; 〃for every day〃; the other; brand new for special occasions。 Both were black。
  He had but three shirts; one on his person; the second in the mode; and the third in the washerwoman's hands。 He renewed them as 
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