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四季随笔-the private papers of henry ryecroft(英文版)-第11章

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oking at men in the multitude; I marvel that they have advanced so far。
Foolishly arrogant as I was; I used to judge the worth of a person by his intellectual power and attainment。 I could see no good where there was no logic; no charm where there was no learning。 Now I think that one has to distinguish between two forms of intelligence; that of the brain; and that of the heart; and I have e to regard the second as by far the more important。 I guard myself against saying that intelligence does not matter; the fool is ever as noxious as he is wearisome。 But assuredly the best people I have known were saved from folly not by the intellect but by the heart。 They e before me; and I see them greatly ignorant; strongly prejudiced; capable of the absurdest mis…reasoning; yet their faces shine with the supreme virtues; kindness; sweetness; modesty; generosity。 Possessing these qualities; they at the same time understand how to use them; they have the intelligence of the heart。
This poor woman who labours for me in my house is even such a one。 From the first I thought her an unusually good servant; after three years of acquaintance; I find her one of the few women I have known who merit the term of excellent。 She can read and write……that is all。 More instruction would; I am sure; have harmed her; for it would have confused her natural motives; without supplying any clear ray of mental guidance。 She is fulfilling the offices for which she was born; and that with a grace of contentment; a joy of conscientiousness; which puts her high among civilized beings。 Her delight is in order and in peace; what greater praise can be given to any of the children of men?
The other day she told me a story of the days gone by。 Her mother; at the age of twelve; went into domestic service; but on what conditions; think you? The girl's father; an honest labouring man; PAID the person whose house she entered one shilling a week for her instruction in the duties she wished to undertake。 What a grinning stare would e to the face of any labourer nowadays; who should be asked to do the like! I no longer wonder that my housekeeper so little resembles the average of her kind。
A day of almost continuous rain; yet for me a day of delight。 I had breakfasted; and was poring over the map of Devon (how I love a good map!) to trace an expedition that I have in view; when a knock came at my door; and Mrs。 M。 bore in a great brown…paper parcel; which I saw at a glance must contain books。 The order was sent to London a few days ago; I had not expected to have my books so soon。 With throbbing heart I set the parcel on a clear table; eyed it whilst I mended the fire; then took my pen…knife; and gravely; deliberately; though with hand that trembled; began to unpack。
It is a joy to go through booksellers' catalogues; ticking here and there a possible purchase。 Formerly; when I could seldom spare money; I kept catalogues as much as possible out of sight; now I savour them page by page; and make a pleasant virtue of the discretion I must needs impose upon myself。 But greater still is the happiness of unpacking volumes which one has bought without seeing them。 I am no hunter of rarities; I care nothing for first editions and for tall copies; what I buy is literature; food for the soul of man。 The first glimpse of bindings when the inmost protective wrapper has been folded back! The first scent of BOOKS! The first gleam of a gilded title! Here is a work the name of which has been known to me for half a lifetime; but which I never yet saw; I take it reverently in my hand; gently I open it; my eyes are dim with excitement as I glance over chapter…headings; and anticipate the treat which awaits me。 Who; more than I; has taken to heart that sentence of the Imitatio……〃In omnibus requiem quaesivi; et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro〃?
I had in me the making of a scholar。 ind; I should have amassed learning。 Within the walls of a college; I should have lived so happily; so harmlessly; my imagination ever busy with the old world。 In the introduction to his History of France; Michelet says: 〃J'ai passe e cote du monde; et j'ai pris l'histoire pour la vie。〃 That; as I can see now; was my true ideal; through all my battlings and miseries I have always lived more in the past than in the present。 At the time when I was literally starving in London; when it seemed impossible that I should ever gain a living by my pen; how many days have I spent at the British Museum; reading as disinterestedly as if I had been without a care! It astounds me to remember that; having breakfasted on dry bread; and carrying in my pocket another piece of bread to serve for dinner; I settled myself at a desk in the great Reading… Room with books before me which by no possibility could be a source of immediate profit。 At such a time; I worked through German tomes on Ancient Philosophy。 At such a time; I read Appuleius and Lucian; Petronius and the Greek Anthology; Diogenes Laertius and……heaven knows what! My hunger was forgotten; the garret to which I must return to pass the night never perturbed my thoughts。 On the whole; it seems to me something to be rather proud of; I smile approvingly at that thin; white…faced youth。 Me? My very self? No; no! He has been dead these thirty years。
Scholarship in the high sense was denied me; and now it is too late。 Yet here am I gloating over Pausanias; and promising myself to read every word of him。 Who that has any tincture of old letters would not like to read Pausanias; instead of mere quotations from him and references to him? Here are the volumes of Dahn's Die Konige der Germanen: who would not like to know all he can about the Teutonic conquerors of Rome? And so on; and so on。 To the end I shall be reading……and forgetting。 Ah; that's the worst of it! Had I at mand all the knowledge I have at any time possessed; I might call myself a learned man。 Nothing surely is so bad for the memory as long…enduring worry; agitation; fear。 I cannot preserve more than a few fragments of what I read; yet read I shall; persistently; rejoicingly。 Would I gather erudition for a future life? Indeed; it no longer troubles me that I forget。 I have the happiness of the passing m
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