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四季随笔-the private papers of henry ryecroft(英文版)-第55章

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 were so poor that I could not afford that heartsome blaze; how different the whole day would be! Have I not lost many and many a day of my life for lack of the material fort which was necessary to put my mind in tune? Money is time。 With money I buy for cheerful use the hours which otherwise would not in any sense be mine; nay; which would make me their miserable bondsman。 Money is time; and; heaven be thanked; there needs so little of it for this sort of purchase。 He who has overmuch is wont to be as badly off in regard to the true use of money; as he who has not enough。 What are we doing all our lives but purchasing; or trying to purchase; time? And most of us; having grasped it with one hand; throw it away with the other。
The dark days are drawing to an end。 Soon it will be spring once more; I shall go out into the fields; and shake away these thoughts of discouragement and fear which have lately too much haunted my fireside。 For me; it is a virtue to be self…centred; I am much better employed; from every point of view; when I live solely for my own satisfaction; than when I begin to worry about the world。 The world frightens me; and a frightened man is no good for anything。 I know only one way in which I could have played a meritorious part as an active citizen……by being a schoolmaster in some little country town; and teaching half a dozen teachable boys to love study for its own sake。 That I could have done; I daresay。 Yet; no; for I must have had as a young man the same mind that I have in age; devoid of idle ambitions; undisturbed by unattainable ideals。 Living as I do now; I deserve better of my country than at any time in my working life; better; I suspect; than most of those who are praised for busy patriotism。
Not that I regard my life as an example for any one else; all I say is; that it is good for me; and in so far an advantage to the world。 To live in quiet content is surely a piece of good citizenship。 If you can do more; do it; and God…speed! I know myself for an exception。 And I ever find it a good antidote to gloomy thoughts to bring before my imagination the lives of men; utterly unlike me in their minds and circumstances; who give themselves with glad and hopeful energy to the plain duties that lie before them。 However one's heart may fail in thinking of the folly and baseness which make so great a part of to…day's world; remember how many bright souls are living courageously; seeing the good wherever it may be discovered; undismayed by portents; doing what they have to do with all their strength。 In every land there are such; no few of them; a great brotherhood; without distinction of race or faith; for they; indeed; constitute the race of man; rightly designated; and their faith is one; the cult of reason and of justice。 Whether the future is to them or to the talking anthropoid; no one can say。 But they live and labour; guarding the fire of sacred hope。
In my own country; dare I think that they are fewer than of old? Some I have known; they give me assurance of the many; near and far。 Hearts of noble strain; intrepid; generous; the clear head; the keen eye; a spirit equal alike to good fortune and to ill。 I see the true…born son of England; his vigour and his virtues yet unimpaired。 In his blood is the instinct of honour; the scorn of meanness; he cannot suffer his word to be doubted; and his hand will give away all he has rather than profit by a plebeian parsimony。 He is frugal only of needless speech。 A friend staunch to the death; tender with a grave sweetness to those who claim his love; passionate; beneath stoic seeming; for the causes he holds sacred。 A hater of confusion and of idle noise; his place is not where the mob presses; he makes no vaunt of what he has done; no boastful promise of what he will do; when the insensate cry is loud; the counsel of wisdom overborne; he will hold apart; content with plain work that lies nearest to his hand; building; strengthening; whilst others riot in destruction。 He was ever hopeful; and deems it a crime to despair of his country。 〃Non; si male nunc; et olim sic erit。〃 Fallen on whatever evil days and evil tongues; he remembers that Englishman of old; who; under every menace; bore right onwards; and like him; if so it must be; can make it his duty and his service to stand and wait。
Impatient for the light of spring; I have slept lately with my blind drawn up; so that at waking; I have the sky in view。 This morning; I awoke just before sunrise。 The air was still; a faint flush of rose to westward told me that the east made fair promise。 I could see no cloud; and there before me; dropping to the horizon; glistened the horned moon。
The promise held good。 After breakfast; I could not sit down by the fireside; indeed; a fire was scarce necessary; the sun drew me forth; and I walked all the morning about the moist lanes; delighting myself with the scent of earth。
On my way home; I saw the first celandine。
So; once more; the year has e full circle。 And how quickly; alas; how quickly! Can it be a whole twelvemonth since the last spring? Because I am so content with life; must life slip away; as though it grudged me my happiness? Time was when a year drew its slow length of toil and anxiety and ever frustrate waiting。 Further away; the year of childhood seemed endless。 It is familiarity with life that makes time speed quickly。 When every day is a step in the unknown; as for children; the days are long with gathering of experience; the week gone by is already far in retrospect of things learnt; and that to e; especially if it foretell some joy; lingers in remoteness。 Past mid…life; one learns little and expects little。 To…day is like unto yesterday; and to that which shall be the morrow。 Only torment of mind or body serves to delay the indistinguishable hours。 Enjoy the day; and; behold; it shrinks to a moment。
I could wish for many another year; yet; if I knew that not one more awaited me; I should not grumble。 When I was ill at ease in the world; it would have been hard to die; I had lived to no purpose; that I could discover; the end would have seemed abrupt and meaningless。 Now; my life is rounded; it began with the natural irreflective happin
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