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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第23章

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out again directly。

He was a shy; retiring man; well…looking; though in an effeminate style;
with a mild voice; curling hair; and irresolute hands……rings upon the
fingers in those days……which nervously wandered to his trembling lip a
hundred times in the first half…hour of his acquaintance with the jail。
His principal anxiety was about his wife。

'Do you think; sir;' he asked the turnkey; 'that she will be very much
shocked; if she should e to the gate to…morrow morning?'

The turnkey gave it as the result of his experience that some of 'em was
and some of 'em wasn't。 In general; more no than yes。 'What like is she;
you see?' he philosophically asked: 'that's what it hinges on。'

'She is very delicate and inexperienced indeed。'

'That;' said the turnkey; 'is agen her。'

'She is so little used to go out alone;' said the debtor; 'that I am at
a loss to think how she will ever make her way here; if she walks。'

'P'raps;' quoth the turnkey; 'she'll take a ackney coach。'

'Perhaps。' The irresolute fingers went to the trembling lip。 'I hope she
will。 She may not think of it。'

'Or p'raps;' said the turnkey; offering his suggestions from the the top
of his well…worn wooden stool; as he might have offered them to a child
for whose weakness he felt a passion; 'p'raps she'll get her brother;
or her sister; to e along with her。'

'She has no brother or sister。'

'Niece; nevy; cousin; serwant; young 'ooman; greengrocer。……Dash it!

One or another on 'em;' said the turnkey; repudiating beforehand the
refusal of all his suggestions。

'I fear……I hope it is not against the rules……that she will bring the

'The children?' said the turnkey。 'And the rules? Why; lord set you
up like a corner pin; we've a reg'lar playground o' children here。
Children! Why we swarm with 'em。 How many a you got?'

'Two;' said the debtor; lifting his irresolute hand to his lip again;
and turning into the prison。

The turnkey followed him with his eyes。 'And you another;' he observed
to himself; 'which makes three on you。 And your wife another; I'll lay
a crown。 Which makes four on you。 And another ing; I'll lay
half…a…crown。 Which'll make five on you。 And I'll go another seven and
sixpence to name which is the helplessest; the unborn baby or you!'

He was right in all his particulars。 She came next day with a little
boy of three years old; and a little girl of two; and he stood entirely

'Got a room now; haven't you?' the turnkey asked the debtor after a week
or two。

'Yes; I have got a very good room。'

'Any little sticks a ing to furnish it?' said the turnkey。

'I expect a few necessary articles of furniture to be delivered by the
carrier; this afternoon。'

'Missis and little 'uns a ing to keep you pany?' asked the

'Why; yes; we think it better that we should not be scattered; even for
a few weeks。'

'Even for a few weeks; OF course;' replied the turnkey。 And he followed
him again with his eyes; and nodded his head seven times when he was

The affairs of this debtor were perplexed by a partnership; of which he
knew no more than that he had invested money in it; by legal matters
of assignment and settlement; conveyance here and conveyance there;
suspicion of unlawful preference of creditors in this direction; and of
mysterious spiriting away of property in that; and as nobody on the face
of the earth could be more incapable of explaining any single item in
the heap of confusion than the debtor himself; nothing prehensible
could be made of his case。 To question him in detail; and endeavour
to reconcile his answers; to closet him with accountants and sharp
practitioners; learned in the wiles of insolvency and bankruptcy; was
only to put the case out at pound interest and inprehensibility。
The irresolute fingers fluttered more and more ineffectually about the
trembling lip on every such occasion; and the sharpest practitioners
gave him up as a hopeless job。

'Out?' said the turnkey; 'he'll never get out; unless his creditors take
him by the shoulders and shove him out。'

He had been there five or six months; when he came running to this
turnkey one forenoon to tell him; breathless and pale; that his wife was

'As anybody might a known she would be;' said the turnkey。

'We intended;' he returned; 'that she should go to a country lodging
only to…morrow。 What am I to do! Oh; good heaven; what am I to do!'

'Don't waste your time in clasping your hands and biting your fingers;'
responded the practical turnkey; taking him by the elbow; 'but e
along with me。'

The turnkey conducted him……trembling from head to foot; and constantly
crying under his breath; What was he to do! while his irresolute fingers
bedabbled the tears upon his face……up one of the mon staircases in
the prison to a door on the garret story。 Upon which door the turnkey
knocked with the handle of his key。

'e in!' cried a voice inside。

The turnkey; opening the door; disclosed in a wretched; ill…smelling
little room; two hoarse; puffy; red…faced personages seated at a
rickety table; playing at all…fours; smoking pipes; and drinking brandy。
'Doctor;' said the turnkey; 'here's a gentleman's wife in want of you
without a minute's loss of time!'

The doctor's friend was in the positive degree of hoarseness; puffiness;
red…facedness; all…fours; tobacco; dirt; and brandy; the doctor in
the parative……hoarser; puffier; more red…faced; more all…fourey;
tobaccoer; dirtier; and brandier。 The doctor was amazingly shabby; in
a torn and darned rough…weather sea…jacket; out at elbows and eminently
short of buttons (he had been in his time the experienced surgeon
carried by a passenger ship); the dirtiest white trousers conceivable by
mortal man; carpet slippers; and no visible linen。 'Childbed?' said
the doctor。 'I'm the boy!' With that the doctor took a b from the
chimney…piece and stuck his hair upright……which appeared to be his
way of washing himself……produced a professional chest or case; of most
abject appearance; from the cupboard where his cup and saucer and coals
were; settled his chin in the frowsy wrapper round his neck; and became
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