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Market information is only threatening if you are expecting the market to do something for you。 Otherwise; if you don’t expect the market to make you right; you have no reason to be afraid of being wrong。 If you don’t expect the market to make you a winner; you have no reason to be afraid of losing。 If you don’t expect the market to keep going in your direction indefinitely; there is no reason to leave money on the table。 Finally; if you don’t expect to be able to take advantage of every opportunity just because you perceived it and it presented itself; you have no reason to be afraid of missing out。
On the other hand; if you believe that all you need to know is:
1。 the odds are in your favor before you put on a trade;
2。 how much it’s going to cost to find out if the trade is going to work;
3。 you don’t need to know what’s going to happen next to make money on that trade; and
4。 anything can happen;
1。 在你交易前,概率对你有利;
2。 亏损多少之后才能确认一笔交易是无效的;
3。 你不必知道下一步会如何都能赚钱;
4。 任何事都会发生;
Then how can the market make you wrong? What information could the market generate about itself that would cause your pain…avoidance mechanisms to kick in so that you exclude that information from your awareness? None that I can think of。 If you believe that anything can happen and that you don’t need to know what is going to happen next to make money; then you will always be right。 Your expectations will always be in harmony with the conditions as they exist from the market’s perspective; effectively neutralizing your potential to experience emotional pain。
By the same token; how can a losing trade or even a series of losers have the typical negative effect; if you really believe that trading is a probability or numbers game? If your edge puts the odds in your favor; then every loss puts you that much closer to a win。 When you really believe this; your response to a losing trade will no longer take on a negative emotional quality。
3。 There is a random distribution between wins and losses for any given set of variables that define an edge。 If every loss puts you that much closer to a win; you will be looking forward to the next occurrence of your edge; ready and waiting to jump in without the slightest reservation or hesitation。 On the other hand; if you still believe that trading is about analysis or about being right; then after a loss you will anticipate the occurrence of your next edge with trepidation; wondering if it’s going to work。 This; in turn; will cause you to start gathering evidence for or against the trade。 You will gather evidence for the trade if your fear of missing out is greater than your fear of losing。 And you will gather information against the trade if your fear of losing is greater than your fear of missing out。 In either case; you will not be in the most conducive state of mind to produce consistent results。
4。 An edge is nothing more than an indication of a higher probability of one thing happening over another。 Creating consistency requires that you pletely accept that trading isn’t about hoping; wondering; or gathering evidence one way or the other to determine if the next trade is going to work。 The only evidence you need to gather is whether the variables you use to define an edge are present at any given moment。 When you use “other” information; outside the parameters of your edge to decide whether you will take the trade; you are adding random variables to your trading regime。 Adding random variables makes it extremely difficult; if not impossible; to determine what works and what doesn’t。 If you’re never certain about the viability of your edge; you won’t feel too confident about it。 To whatever degree you lack confidence; you will experience fear。 The irony is; you will be afraid of random; inconsistent results; without realizing that your random; inconsistent approach is creating exactly what you are afraid of。
On the other hand; if you believe that an edge is simply a higher probability of one thing happening over another; and there’s a random distribution between wins and losses for any given set of variables that define an edge; why would you gather “other” evidence for or against a trade? To a trader operating out of these two beliefs; gathering “other” evidence woul
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