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   written〃Cast away from you all your transgressions。〃〃Break off thy
   sins and iniquities。〃〃Cease to do evil。〃(Ezek。 xviii。 31; Daniel
   iv。 27; Isa。 i。 16。)

   This also sounds hard。 I do not wonder。 Our sins are often as dear to
   us as our children: we love them; hug them; cleave to them; and delight
   in them。 To part with them is as hard as cutting off a right hand; or
   plucking out a right eye。 But it must be done。 The parting must e。
   〃Though wickedness be sweet in the sinner's mouth; though he hide it
   under his tongue; though he spare it; and forsake it not;〃 yet it must
   be given up; if he wishes to be saved。 (Job xx。 12; 13。) He and sin
   must quarrel; if he and God are to be friends。 Christ is willing to
   receive any sinners。 But He will not receive them if they will stick to
   their sins。 Let us set down that item second in our account。 To be a
   Christian it will cost a man his sins。

   (3) For another thing; it will cost a man his love of ease。 He must
   take pains and trouble; if he means to run a successful race towards
   heaven。 He must daily watch and stand on his guard; like a soldier on
   enemy's ground。 He must take heed to his behaviour every hour of the
   day; in every pany; and in every place; in public as well as in
   private; among strangers as well as at home。 He must be careful over
   his time; his tongue; his temper; his thoughts; his imagination; his
   motives; his conduct in every relation of life。 He must be diligent
   about his prayers; his Bible…reading; and his use of Sundays; with all
   their means of grace。 In attending to these things he may e far
   short of perfection; but there is none of them that he can safely
   neglect。 〃The soul of the sluggard desireth; and hath nothing: but the
   soul of the diligent shall be made fat。〃 (Prov。 xiii。 4。)

   This also sounds hard。 There is nothing we naturally dislike so much as
   〃trouble〃 about our religion。 We hate trouble。 We secretly wish we
   could have a 〃vicarious〃 Christianity; and could be good by proxy; and
   have everything done for us。 Anything that requires exertion and labour
   is entirely against the grain of our hearts。 But the soul can have 〃no
   gains without pains。〃 Let us set down that item third in our account。
   To be a Christian it will cost a man his love of ease。

   (4) In the last place; it will cost a man the favour of the world。 He
   must be content to be thought ill of by man if he pleases God。 He must
   count it no strange thing to be mocked; ridiculed; slandered;
   persecuted; and even hated。 He must not be surprised to find his
   opinions and practices in religion despised and held up to scorn。 He
   must submit to be thought by many a fool; an enthusiast; and a
   fanaticto have his words perverted and his actions misrepresented。 In
   fact; he must not marvel if some call him mad。 The Master
   says〃Remember the word that I said unto you; The servant is not
   greater than his lord。 If they have persecuted Me; they will also
   persecute you; if they have kept My saying; they will keep yours also。〃
   (John xv。 20。)

   I dare say this also sounds hard。 We naturally dislike unjust dealing
   and false charges; and think it very hard to be accused without cause。
   We should not be flesh and blood if we did not wish to have the good
   opinion of our neighbours。 It is always unpleasant to be spoken
   against; and forsaken; and lied about; and to stand alone。 But there is
   no help for it。 The cup which our Master drank must be drunk by His
   disciples。 They must be 〃despised and rejected of men。〃 (Isa。 liii。 3。)
   Let us set down that item last in our account。 To be a Christian it
   will cost a man the favour of the world。

   Such is the account of what it costs to be a true Christian。 I grant
   the list is a heavy one。 But where is the item that could be removed?
   Bold indeed must that man be who would dare to say that we may keep our
   self…righteousness; our sins; our laziness; and our love of the world;
   and yet be saved!

   I grant it costs much to be a true Christian。 But who in his sound
   senses can doubt that it is worth any cost to have the soul saved? When
   the ship is in danger of sinking; the crew think nothing of casting
   overboard the precious cargo。 When a limb is mortified; a man will
   submit to any severe operation; and even to amputation; to save life。
   Surely a Christian should be willing to give up anything which stands
   between him and heaven。 A religion that costs nothing is worth nothing!
   A cheap Christianity; without a cross; will prove in the end a useless
   Christianity; without a crown。

   II。 I have now; in the second place; to explain why 〃counting the cost〃
   is of such great importance to man's soul。

   I might easily settle this question by laying down the principle; that
   no duty enjoined by Christ can ever be neglected without damage。 I
   might show how many shut their eyes throughout life to the nature of
   saving religion; and refuse to consider what it really costs to be a
   Christian。 I might describe how at last; when life is ebbing away; they
   wake up; and make a few spasmodic efforts to turn to God。 I might tell
   you how they find to their amazement that repentance and conversion are
   no such easy matters as they had supposed; and that it costs 〃a great
   sum〃 to be a true Christian。 They discover that habits of pride and
   sinful indulgence; and love of ease; and worldliness; are not so easily
   laid aside as they had dreamed。 And so; after a faint struggle; they
   give up in despair; and leave the world hopeless; graceless; and unfit
   to meet God! They had flattered themselves all their days that religion
   would be easy work when they once took it up seriously。 But they open
   their eyes too late; and discover for the first time that they are
   ruined because they never 〃counted the cost。〃

   But there is one class of persons to whom especially I wish to address
   myself in handling this part of my subject。。 It is a large classan
   increasing classand a class which in these day
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