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f scientists known as the Invisible College; which in 1663 was incorporated as the Royal Society of London。 Although Boyle was invited to be president of this organization in 1680; he refused because he had religious scruples against taking an oath。 Boyle was deeply religious。 At Geneva he had been under strong Calvinist influence which deeply impressed him and gave his life a serious character。) 

  ROYAL SOCIETY is the oldest scientific society in the world and probably the most famous。 The full title of the organization is The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge。 It grew out of weekly meetings which London scientists held as early as 1645。 In 1660; the society was officially organized with the approval of King Charles II。(就是Charles I的儿子。) 

  In 1662; the society was formally incorporated by charter of Charles II as the Royal Society of London for Promoting Natural Knowledge; or; as it is popularly known; the Royal Society。 From its earliest years; the Society maintained correspondence with Continental philosophers; and selections from this correspondence became the world…famous Philosophical Transactions。 Sir Isaac Newton was the Society's president from 1703 until his death in 1727。 In the approximately 300 years of its existence; the Society has sponsored numerous scientific expeditions and extensive research; including; in recent years; a notable series of investigations of tropical diseases。 

  对Boyle在science方面的conclusion是——1660's Robert Boyle applied the scientific method to chemistry。 

  第五个科学家——牛顿(Isaac Newton),活了八十五岁。 

  Galileo死的那年(Jan。8; 1642),就是Newton生的那年(Dec。25; 1642)。 

  Galileo死在年头,Newton生在年尾。他们都没结婚,但Galileo有两个女儿一个儿子。Galileo的一些观察是错的,他虽然把球从斜塔朝下丢,但并没发现落体的真正速度,也没成立定律(law),直到Newton出来,才完成了这一解释。牛顿是个“遗腹子”(an infant born after the death of its father;a posthumous child),从小妈妈不在身边,跟姥姥长大,他从小就喜欢科学。 

  ①Newton discovered that sunlight is a mixture of light of all colors。 He passed a beam of sunlight through a glass prism and studied the colors that were produced。(By passing a beam of sunlight through a prism; Newton showed that white light is made up of the rainbow's colors。) 

  ②He made great discoveries in the field of mathematics。 He is credited with inventing integral and differential calculus。(微积分) 

  ③He was the first to state the laws of gravitation。 

  Newton的成绩,英国诗人Alexander Pope有两句诗描写得最好: 

  Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night: 

  God said; Let Newton be!and all was light。 

  (Alexander Pope:Epigram on Sir Isaac Newton) 

  In 1705 Newton was knighted by Queen Anne。 所以他名字前面有Sir。就是爵士。热门音乐中文也翻成爵士,但那是jazz的译音,并不真的是爵士,并且乱扭乱唱,一点也不爵士。 


  To myself seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea…shore; and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary; whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me。 

  对Newton在science方面的conclusion是——1687 Sir Isaac Newton published the Principia; which summarized basic of mechanics。 Newton formulated the laws of gravitation and motion and contributed greatly to the theories of light and optical science。 

  第六个科学家——爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein),活了七十六岁。 


  Einstein的新学说是“相对论”(the Theory of Relativity),使Newton的学说一部分动摇。 

  Albert Einstein; the German…American physicist; rejected Newton's explanation of universal gravitation but not the fact of its operation。 He said that his own work would have been impossible without Newton's discoveries。 He also said that the concepts Newton developed “are even today still guiding our thinking in physics”。 

  人类能够利用原子能(atomic power),就是从Einstein来的,没有Einstein,就没有原子弹(atomic bomb)用来war,也没有原子能用来peaceful uses。 

  对Einstein在science方面的conclusion是——1905 Albert Einstein presented his Special Theory of Relativity。 Einstein developed the theory of relativity which revised older theories of time and space; and led to the use of atomic power。 

  爸 爸 一九七五年五月三十一日 


蛋蛋 制作 

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  一个半世纪前,科学家刚听说有一种下蛋的哺乳动物(egg…laying mammal),他们都不相信,说胡扯(a hoax),没想到世界上真有这么一种动物,就是“鸭嘴兽”(platypus)。鸭嘴兽只在澳洲(Australia)东海岸才有,澳洲也叫澳大利亚,是一个国家。 

  澳洲本来跟亚洲连在一起,但在五千万年以前分开了,所以它自己成为一个特别的地方,老是有些全世界只有它有别人没有的怪东西,鸭嘴兽就是其中之一。(Australia has many kinds of strange animals not found on other continents。 This is because the bridge of land that once connected Australia with Asia disappeared about 50 million years ago。 From then on; most of Australia's animal life developed independently) 


  Koala means “no drink”; and the aboriginal word well describes the gentle marsupial that draws moisture only from its food; the leaves of certain eucalyptus;(油加里树,也叫桉树,是常绿乔木,长得很快)or gum trees。 With oddly arranged fingers…the first two oppose the other three…a koala clings to a branch in a sanctuary at Waikerie。 Phascolarctos cinereous faced extinction by fur hunters until the 1920's; when conservation laws began to protect the continent's dozens of marsupial species。 

  Koala也叫袋鼠熊(kangaroo bear)。 

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