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ilies as men; instead of murderers。
Charlie; ah; we are here; come on up。 
This is Donny。
Hey; Charlie。
Hi; Erm; Mrs。Rossy; I guess I finished screwed up。
Oh; you couldn't have。
That's a bad interview。
That was no interview; Charlie; you're in。 You're the only one that showed up。You have to take the job。 He sleep a lot; you can watch television and call your girl friend;…I promise you easy 300 bucks。
I don't get an easy feeling。
His bark is worse than his bite。 You know; he's a great soldier; a real hero。 The man grows on you By Sunday night you'll be best friends。 Charlie; please。 I want to get away with my husband for a few days; nor could Franco come with us。 Six months ago he could some times tell light from dark; but now there's nothing。 I just feel; better to have someone else around; just in case。 Please ?
OK; Mrs。Rossy; sure。
Mr。Simpson; I'm not quite through with you yet。 One of the few purposes of this office is that I am empowered to handle certain matters on my own as I see fit。 Do you unerstand?
Yes; sir。
Good。 The Dean of Admissions of Harvard and I havean arrangement。 Along with usual sheet of applicants submitted by Baird of which a fortunate two…thirds are guaranteed admittance; I add one name: somebody who is a standout and yet underpriviledged; still cannot afford to pay the board and tuition in Cambridge。 Do you know on whose behalf I arafted the memo this year?
No; I…
You。 You; Mr。Simpson。 Now can you tell me who did it?
No; sir I can't。
You take the weekend to thin about it; Mr。Simpson。 Good afternoon。
Sit down; Mr。Slay。
       I'm not finished。 As I came in here I heard those words: Cradle of leadership。 Well; when the bough breaks; the cradle will fall; and it has fallen here。 It has fallen。 Makers of men creators of leaders here; be careful what kind of leaders you're producing here。I don't know if Charlie's silence here today is right or wrong。 I'm not a judge or jury; but I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody else to buy his future! And that; my friends; is called integrity。 That's called courage。 Now that's the stuff leaders should be made of。 Now I have come to the crossroads in my life。 I always knew what the right path was。 Without exception I knew; but I never took it。 You know why? It was too damned hard。 Now there's Charlie; He's come to the crossroads。 He's chosen a path; it's the right path。 It's a path made of principle; the least character。 Let him continue on his journey。 You're holding this boy's future in your hands。 Committee。 It's a valuable future。 Believe me。 Don't destroy it。 Protect it。 Embrace it。 It's gonna make you proud one day; I promise you。
You can't sit here。
(You know it's funny what a young man recollects; 'cause I don't remember being born; I I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas; I don't know went I first when on my first outdor picnic; but… I do remember the first time。 I heard the sweetest voice of all the world。)
You can sit here if you wanna。 (I have never seen anything so beautiful I my life。 She was like an angel。) You're going to sit here; aren't you?
(College ran by a little fast; 'cause I played so much football。 They even put me on the thing called the All Amerian Team; where you got to meet the President of the United States。) 〃President Kennedy met with the collegians of the All American Football Team at the Oval Office today〃 (Now the really gook thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food。 They put you in a little room with just about anything you want to eat and drink。 Says number one; I wasn't hungry but thirsty; and nuber two; they was free。 I almost drank about fifteen bottles of them。)
Congratulations。How does it feel to be in All American's?
It's an honor; sir。
Congratulations。How does it feel to be in All American's?
Very good;sir。
Congratulations。How does it feel to be in All American's?
Very good;sir。
Congratulations。How do you feel?
I've got to pee。
Ha。。 I believe he's got to pee。
What's the matter; Mom?
I'm dying; Forrest。 Come on in; sit over here。
Why are you dying; Mom?
My time; just my time。 Don't you be afraid; sweetheart。 Death is just a part of life; soon we are all destined to do。 I didn't know it but I was destined to be your Mama。 I did the best I could。
You do good。 Mom。
Well; but I haven't believed in making your own destiny; you have to do the best with what God gave you。
What's my destiny; Mom?
You're going to have to figure that out for yourself。 Life's a box of chocolates。 Forrest; you never know what you're going to get。
(Mama always had a way to explain the things I couldn't understand then。)
I will miss you; Forrest。
(She has got the cancer; and died on a Tuesday。 I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it。)
Reports and Speechs and News
'File : 奥斯卡。wav '
Thank you for dropping by on your way to the party。 As the 29th President of the Academy; I welcome you all to our 69th Annual Award。 There are over 6000 of us in the Academy who share at least one wonderful and fulfilling thing with over a billion of you out there: We love movies。 We don't always love the same movie; nor do we always agree which are art and which are artless。 But that's what adds spice to our Awards in the form of suspense; spirited discussion and emotional clashes。 Still; going to the movies brings us together to share our humanity。 In what sometimes feels like an ear of isolation; we find ourselves too often alone with our technology; sitting alone to read our computer screens; or listening to radio and watching television alone。 Fortunately we still have our houses of worship; ballgames and movies to remind us that we are related by humanity; not machinery。 So we in our Academy propose an agreement with you: you keep going to the movies; and we'll keep making them。
       Ladies and Gentlemen; last year's best actor: Nicolas Cage:
       Oscar Wield once pointed out that while we looked to the dramatist to give romance to realism; we asked the actress to give realism to romance。 The immensely talented women nominated tonight for Best A
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