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ngs worked out。 No other person has enough information about your problems。 No one knows your skills and capabilities better。 We get our creative thinking going each morning by asking ourselves 2 questions。 1。 What's good in my life? 2。 What is there still to be done? Because thought always perceive action。 Talking to yourself is a proven way to get motivated。 

36。 Schedule your ebacks。 
Progress toward your goals is never going to be a straight line; It's always going to be a wavy line。 You'll go up and e down a little。 Two steps forward and one step back。 Now most people will get discouraged when they take the two steps back; they think they're failing。 But they really hasn't。 They really in sync with the natural rhythm of progress。 Now once you understand this rhythm; you can look ahead on your calendar to refresh; renew; and recover。 Schedule your eback while you're still on top。 Schedule a block of time to get away。 Even to get away from what you love。 Because ing back is going to be that much more exciting when you've been renewed。 

37。 Live you're true life。 * 
〃When you say you fear death; you're really saying you've not lived you're true life。〃 This fear cloaks the world in true suffering。 How do you know what you're true life is? How do you know how to live it? First; find out what makes you happy and start doing that。 i。e。 if writing makes you happy; start writing。 Don't just wait until something is offered to you。 Be proactive about your happiness。 There is no goal better than this one。 To know as you lay in you're death bed that you've lived you're true life。 You did what it was that made you happy。 

38。 Get up on the right side of the bed。 
Get up on the right side of you're brain。 Dreams; and energy; and creative insight es from the right side of the brain。 Linear; logical; short term; and short sighted thinking es from the left side of the brain。 The best explanation of how whole brain thinking surpasses just one sided thinking is in a book called; 〃Frankenstein's castle。〃 … Wilson。 We have more control in drawing vital energy and creative ideas from right brain then we ever realized。 And what stimulates the right brain the most is a high sense of purpose。 If you had to carry a bag of sand around town; you're left brain would say it was boring。 But if you had to carry your daughter that weighed the same as the bag of sand; then you would carry her with more energy。 That energy es from the right side of the brain。 Purpose gives you that energy。 Self motivation increases when the left brain gets good at telling the right brain what to do。 

39。 Use your magic machine。 * 
Most people wait for an external crisis to finally kick in their whole brain thinking。 But the leads to a life of reaction other than creation。 The 3 best ways to activate whole brain thinking are through 1。 goal setting。 2。 Joyful work。 3。 Revitalizing play。 So rather wait for some external crisis to appear; you can create an internal challenge of your own。 Goals and games。 Goals and games motivate you more than anything else in the world。 

40。 Get your stars out。 
〃Make sure you get your stars out。〃 Let the universe that is in you shine freely。 Don't try too hard to force things; just get your stars out and let them shine。 

41。 Be a finisher。 
Do you want to know where fatigue really es from? It doesn't e from working too hard。 All the research shows that fatigue es from not finishing your work。 〃Nothing is more fatiguing than the hanging on of an unpleted task。〃 … William James。 The best way to change your belief system is to change the truth about you。 To believe that you are a good finisher; you have to build a personal record of finishing tasks。 Each day make a list of small tasks and finish them。 We motivate ourselves by finishing things。 

42。 Invent games。 
Whatever it is that you have to do; whether it's a major project at work or a huge cleaning job a home; turning it into a game will always give you higher energy and self motivation。 

43。 Interact。 **** 
There's a huge difference between active relaxation and passive relaxation。 Active relaxation refreshes and restores the mind。 It keeps it flexible and toned for thinking。 Great thinkers have known this secret for a long time。 Some people use to paint to relax; others play the violin。 They can relax one side of the brain while stimulating the other。 When they return to work; their mind is sharper than ever。 Most of use simply deaden the mind when we want to relax。 We rent mindless videos; read magazines; we drink; we smoke; we eat until we're foggy and blotted。 The problem with this form of relaxation is that we dulls our creativity and it makes it hard to e back into consciousness。 But when we find ways to link thinking into our relaxation; we bee players in the game of life and not just spectators。 

44。 Live a whole life today。 
〃Make each day you're masterpiece。〃 While other people focus on some special day in the future; you should always focus on today。 Practice sessions are every bit as important than any championship game。 There is no reason to make TODAY the proudest day of your life。 Today is the macrocosm of you're entire life。 It's your whole life in miniature。 You got eternity in the palm of your hand。 Life is now。 Life is not later on。 And the more we hypnotize ourselves into thinking that we have all the time in the world to do what we want to do; the more we sleep walk and the more we miss life。 

45。 Wele your problems。 
Ever solution has a problem。 You can't have one without the other。 So why do we say we hate problems。 Why do we claim we want a hassle free existence? Deep down; where our wisdom lives; we know that problems are not to be feared。 Problems are simply tough games for the athletes of the mind。 And true athletes always want to get a game going。 If you learn to love the opportunities your problems present; then your motivational energizes will always rise。 Remember; every solution has a problem。 

46。 Drive a library。 
One of the greatest opportunities you improve yourself lies in your drive time using audio tapes。 Use audio tapes to educate and motivate yourself while you drive。 If we leave what we think about to cha
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