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白噪音(White Noise) (英文版)作者:唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo)-第12章

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  〃I'm not preparing anything major; so just call beforehand and tell me if something else came up。 You don't even have to call。 If you don't show up; I'll know that something came up and you couldn't let me know。〃
  〃Murray; we'll be there。〃
  〃Bring the kids。〃
  〃Great。 But if you decide to bring them; no problem。 I don't want you to feel I'm holding you to something。 Don't feel you've made an ironclad mitment。 You'll show up or you won't。 I have to eat anyway; so there's no major catastrophe if something es up and you have to cancel。 I just want you to know I'll be there if you decide to drop by; with or without kids。 We have till next May or June to do this thing so there's no special mystique about a week from Saturday。〃
  〃Are you ing back next semester?〃 I said。
  'They want me to teach a course in the cinema of car crashes。〃
  〃Do it。〃
  〃I will。〃
  I rubbed against Babette in the checkout line。 She backed into me and I reached around her and put my hands on her breasts。 She rotated her hips and I nuzzled her hair and murmured; 〃Dirty blond。〃 People wrote checks; tall boys bagged the merchandise。 Not everyone spoke English at the cash terminals; or near the fruit bins and frozen foods; or out among the cars in the lot。 More and more I heard languages I could not identify much less understand; although the tall boys were American…born and the checkout women as well; short; fattish in blue tunics; wearing stretch slacks and tiny white espadrilles。 I tried to fit my hands into Babette's skirt; over her belly; as the slowly moving line edged toward the last purchase point; the breath mints and nasal inhalers。
  It was out in the parking lot that we heard the first of the rumors about a man dying during the inspection of the grade school; one of the masked and Mylex…suited men; heavy…booted and bulky。 Collapsed and died; went the story that was going around; in a classroom on the second floor。
  Tuition at the College…on…the…Hill is fourteen thousand dollars; Sunday brunch included。 I sense there is a connection between this powerful number and the way the students arrange themselves physically in the reading areas of the library。 They sit on broad cushioned seats in various kinds of ungainly posture; clearly calculated to be the identifying signs of some kinship group or secret organization。 They are fetal; splayed; knock…kneed; arched; square…knotted; sometimes almost upside…down。 The positions are so studied they amount to a classical mime。 There is an element of overrefinement and inbreeding。 Sometimes I feel I've wandered into a Far Eastern dream; too remote to be interpreted。 But it is only the language of economic class they are speaking; in one of its allowable outward forms; like the convocation of station wagons at the start of the year。
  Denise watched her mother pull the little cellophane ribbon on a bonus pack of sixteen individually wrapped units of chewing gum。 Her eyes narrowed as she turned back to the address books on the kitchen table before her。 The eleven…year…old face was an expert mask of restrained exasperation。
  She waited a long moment; then said evenly; 〃That stuff causes cancer in laboratory animals in case you didn't know。〃
  〃You wanted me to chew sugarless gum; Denise。 It was your idea。〃
  〃There was no warning on the pack then。 They put a warning; which I would have a hard time believing you didn't see。〃
  She was transcribing names and phone numbers from an old book to a new one。 There were no addresses。 Her friends had phone numbers only; a race of people with a seven…bit analog consciousness。
  〃I'm happy to do it either way;〃 Babette said。 〃It's totally up to you。 Either I chew gum with sugar and artificial coloring or I chew sugarless and colorless gum that's harmful to rats。〃
  Steffie got off the phone。 〃Don't chew at all;〃 she said。 〃Did you ever think of that?〃
  Babette was breaking eggs into a wooden salad bowl。 She gave me a look that wondered how the girl could talk on the phone and listen to us at the same time。 I wanted to say because she finds us interesting。
  Babette said to the girls; 〃Look; either I chew gum or I smoke。 If you want me to start smoking again; take away my chewing gum and my Mentho…Lyptus。〃
  〃Why do you have to do one or the other?〃 Steffie said。 〃Why not do neither one?〃
  〃Why not do both?〃 Denise said; the face carefully emptying itself of expression。 〃That's what you want; isn't it? We all get to do what we want; don't we? Except if we want to go to school tomorrow we can't because they're fumigating the place or whatever。〃
  The phone rang; Steffie grabbed it。
  〃I'm not a criminal;〃 Babette said。 〃All I want to do is chew a pathetic little tasteless chunk of gum now and then。〃
  〃Well it's not that simple;〃 Denise said。
  〃It's not a crime either。 I chew about two of those little chunks a day。〃
  〃Well you can't anymore。〃
  〃Well I can; Denise。 I want to。 Chewing happens to relax me。 You're making a fuss over nothing。〃
  Steffie managed to get our attention by the sheer pleading force of the look on her face。 Her hand was over the mouthpiece of the phone。 She did not speak but only formed the words。
  The Stovers want to e over。
  〃Parents or children?〃 Babette said。
  My daughter shrugged。
  〃We don't want them;〃 Babette said。
  〃Keep them out;〃 Denise said。
  What do I say?
  〃Say anything you want。〃
  〃Just keep them out of here。〃
  〃They're boring。〃
  〃Tell them to stay home。〃
  Steffie retreated with the phone; appearing to shield it with her body; her eyes full of fear and excitement。
  〃A little gum can't possibly hurt;〃 Babette said。
  〃I guess you're right。 Never mind。 Just a warning on the pack。〃
  Steffie hung up。 〃Just hazardous to your health;〃 she said。
  〃Just rats;〃 Denise said。 〃I guess you're right。 Never mind。〃
  〃Maybe she thinks they died in their sleep。〃
  〃Just useless rodents; so what's the difference?〃
  〃What's the difference; what's the fuss?〃 Steffie said。
  〃Plus I'd like to believe she chews only two pieces a day; the way she forgets things。〃
  〃What do I fo
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