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23。 有些律藏规定的食物可以给生病的比丘吃,接受了以后最多只能保留七天,不然犯 Nissaggiya Pacittiya。 
24。 When a month is left to the hot season; a bhikkhu may seek a rains…bathing cloth。 When a half…month is left to the hot season; (the cloth) having been made; may be worn。 If when more than a month is left to the hot season he should seek a rains…bathing cloth; (or) when more than a half…month is left to the hot season; (the cloth) having been made should be worn; it is to be forfeited and confessed。 
24。 比丘只能在热季的最后一个月开始找雨季的浴布,在热季的最后半个月开始穿(作好的布),不然犯 Nissaggiya Pacittiya。 
25。 Should any bhikkhu; having himself given a robe…cloth to (another) bhikkhu; and then being angered and displeased; snatch it back or have it snatched back; it is to be forfeited and confessed。 
25。 任何比丘在给予一块僧袍布给另一比丘后,感到气愤和不满,将其抢回或使人抢回,则犯 Nissaggiya Pacittiya。 
26。 Should any bhikkhu; having requested thread; have a robe woven by weavers; it is to be forfeited and confessed。 
26。 任何比丘要求了织线后, 要求了缝制工缝一件僧袍,犯 Nissaggiya Pacittiya。 
27。 In case a man or woman householder unrelated to a bhikkhu has weavers weave robe…cloth for his sake; and if the bhikkhu; not previously invited (by the householder),having approached the weavers; should make stipulations with regard to the cloth; saying; 〃This cloth; friends; is to be woven for my sake。 Make it long; make it broad; make it tightly woven; well woven; well spread; well scraped; well smoothed; and perhaps I may reward you with a little something;〃 and should the bhikkhu; having said that; reward them with a little something; even as much as almsfood; it (the cloth) is to be forfeited and confessed。 
27。 如果一位男众或女众使缝制工缝一套僧袍给一位与他(她)无 (血缘) 关系的比丘,而这位比丘在还没被邀请前对缝制工说,「这件僧袍是给我的。把它作长,作大,缝紧,缝好 。。。也许我回报你一些东西;」如果比丘说完之后给他们一点东西,甚至食物, 犯 Nissaggiya Pacittiya。 
28。 Ten days prior to the third…month Kattika full moon; should robe…cloth offered in urgency accrue to a bhikkhu; he is to accept it if he regards it as offered in urgency。 Once he has accepted it; he may keep it throughout the robe season。 Beyond that; it is to be forfeited and confessed。 
28。 在第三个月 Kattika 月圆的前十天,如果有块僧袍布因紧急被赠予给比丘,他可以以紧急的情况作出接受。一旦接受,他只能保留至那个季节,不然犯 Nissaggiya Pacittiya。 
29。 There are wilderness abodes that are considered dubious and risky。 A bhikkhu living in such abodes after the (fourth…month) Kattika full moon has passed may keep any one of his three robes in a village if he so desires。 Should he have any reason to live apart from the robe; he may do so for six nights at most。 If he should live apart from it longer than that  unless authorized by the bhikkhus  it is to be forfeited and confessed。 
29。 有些地区是可疑和危险的。一个住在这种地区的比丘在第四个月 Kattika 月圆过去后,可以将他三件僧袍的一件留在村庄里。如果他有其它理由和他的僧袍分开,他最多只能分开六晚,除非被其它比丘们同意,不然犯 Nissaggiya Pacittiya。 
30。 Should any bhikkhu knowingly divert to himself gains that had been intended for a munity; they are to be forfeited and confessed。 
30。 任何比丘在知道的情况下将给僧团的利益转为自己的,犯 Nissaggiya Pacittiya。

九十二波逸提法(Pacittiya )
第一章: 谎言 
1。 A deliberate lie is to be confessed。 
1。 一个存心的,故意的谎言。犯 Pacittiya。 
2。 An insult is to be confessed。 
2。 一个侮辱。犯 Pacittiya。 
3。 Malicious tale…bearing among bhikkhus is to be confessed。 
3。 恶意的在比丘们中捏造故事。犯 Pacittiya。 
4。 Should any bhikkhu have an unordained person recite Dhamma line by line (with him),it is to be confessed。 
4。 任何比丘和不是比丘的人吟诵佛法。犯 Pacittiya。 
5。 Should any bhikkhu lie down in the same lodging with an unordained person for more than two or three consecutive nights; it is to be confessed。 
5。 任何比丘和不是比丘的人住在同一房舍超过二或三晚。犯 Pacittiya。 
6。 Should any bhikkhu lie down in the same lodging with a woman; it is to be confessed。 
6。 任何必丘和女人住在同一房舍。犯 Pacittiya。 
7。 Should any bhikkhu teach more than five or six sentences of Dhamma to a woman; unless a knowledgeable man is present; it is to be confessed。 
7。 任何比丘教女人超过五或六段话的佛法,除非有位博识的人在场。犯 Pacittiya。
8。 Should any bhikkhu report (his own) factual superior human state to an unordained person; it is to be confessed。
8。 任何比丘向不是比丘的人说他的修证 (实有)。犯 Pacittiya。
9。 Should any bhikkhu report (another) bhikkhu's gross offense to an unordained person  unless authorized by the bhikkhus  it is to be confessed。 
9。 任何比丘向不是比丘的人说另一位比丘的犯戒  除非经过僧团同意。犯 Pacittiya。
10。 Should any bhikkhu dig soil or have it dug; it is to be confessed。 
10。 任何比丘挖土或指使人挖。犯 Pacittiya。 
第二章: 住所
11。 The damaging of a living plant is to be confessed。 
11。 破坏一个 (活的) 植物。犯 Pacittiya。 
12。 Evasive speech and uncooperativeness are to be confessed。 
12。 逃避的说话态度和不肯合作。犯 Pacittiya。 
13。 Maligning or plaining (about a munity official) is to be confessed。 
13。 诽谤或抱怨一个僧团的官员。犯 Pacittiya。 
14。 Should any bhikkhu set a bed; bench; mattress; or stool belonging to the munity out in the open  or have it set out  and then on departing neither put it away nor have it put away; or should he go without taking leave; it is to be confessed。 
14。 任何比丘把属于僧团的床,床垫,或凳子放在外面,或指使他人作,然后离开时没有将其放回或指使人放回,或没告别的离开。犯 Pacittiya。 
15。 Should any bhikkhu; having set out bedding in a lodging belonging to the munity  or having had it set out  and then on departing neither put it away nor have it put away; or should he go without taking leave; it is to be confessed。 
15。 任何比丘把属于僧团的寝具放在外面,或指使他人作,然后离开时没有将其放回或指使人放回,或没告别的离开。犯 Pacittiya。 
16。 Should any bhikkhu knowingly lie down in a lodging belonging to the munity so as to intrude on a bhikkhu who arrived there first; (thinking),〃Whoever feels crowded will go away〃  doing it for this reason and no other  it
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