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…Islamic architecture。 A Mogul ruler; Shah Jahan; erected the monument as a tomb for a beloved wife; Arjumand Banu; better know by her title of Mumtaz Mahal or Taj Mahan 1(Crown of the Palace)。 In 1631 she died after bearing fourteen children in eighteen years。 The construction of the tomb; begun the next year; employed some 20000 workmen for nearly twenty years。)
  印度女人头上多点小点,叫“吉祥点”,她们披“纱丽”(sari),二十英尺长三英尺宽,不用裁缝(当然裁缝恨这东西)。有的女人穷得只有一件纱丽,所以没法洗换。(Many Indian men have partly adopted European dress。 Indian women; however; remain loyal to the national costume; the sari; a garment which emphasizes their dignified and majestic bearing。 The simple yet extremely elegant line of the sari is reminiscent of the costume of ancient Greece; while its striking colors; and gold and silver embroidery; are a further example of the Indians' love of bright things。 The garment is a strip of cloth some twenty feet long and three feet wide。 It is draped round the body without any pin or button being used。 It is extremely simple in use and presents no dress…making problem。)
  印度的宪法,是全世界最长的。(The constitution of India is the longest in the world。)
  印度人吃饭用右手抓着吃,认为左手没右手干净。(他们这些怪毛病可真多!)(The various Hindu castes have different food laws。 Most castes eat only with the right hand because they consider the left hand unclean。 Some castes eat meat; and others eat fish but not meat。 Some eat neither meat nor fish; but so eat eggs。 Still others do not eat eggs。)
  印度的蛇很多,每年咬死三十万人。印度有玩蛇的或弄蛇的(snake…charmer),在蛇面前吹笛子,其实蛇听不见,只是看他动作再跟着动。(Indian Snake Charmer may fool his audience; but he does not charm the snake。 The cobra cannot hear the music of the flute。 It sways merely to follow the movements of the charmer。)
  印度最有名的文学家叫泰戈尔(Tagore),他到中国来过,得过Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖),中国的一位学者梁启超,给Tagore起了一个中国名字叫“竺震旦”。(竺是天竺,古代中国叫印度是“天竺”,震旦是“中国”的另一叫法。)(TAGORE was an Indian poet; philosopher; and supporter of freedom for India。 In his many poems and songs; he stirred pride among his Hindu countrymen。 He also had a strong influence on the West。 Tagore was influenced by European models in his writings。 He was a mystical and religious poet; and saw God in all beauties of nature。 He wrote prose and poetry in the Bengali Language。 These have been translated into many languages。 Tagore received the 1913 Nobel Prize in Iiterature。)
  爸 爸 一九七五年四月二十日
  南太平洋有十四个小岛叫萨摩亚(Samoa is a group of 14 islands in the South Pacific Ocean。),东边的一堆属于美国,叫American Samoa,西边的叫Western Samoa(西萨摩亚),是个小国家,只有台湾的十三分之一大,人口十八万,它出产的三种主要东西,念起来都有点口吃(结巴,stammer):
  可可(cacao)是做巧克力(chocolate)和可可粉的,但可可粉的英文是cocoa,这个字看起来好像是coconuts(椰子)做出来的,所以大家都叫做椰子粉,其实只是可可粉,不是椰子粉。(Because of a mistake in spelling; probably made by English importers many years ago; these beans became known as cocoa beans in English…speaking countries。 This causes many people to think the beans e from the coconut palm tree instead of the cacao tree。)
  Samoa这地方气温很怪,十二月最热,七月最冷(December is the hottest month and July the coldest。)。Samoa人喜欢打cricket(板球),但不喜欢打cricket(蟋蟀),板球和蟋蟀,在英文中同一个字。
  The crickets are chirping(or are crying)。(蟋蟀在叫。)
  They are playing a match at cricket。(他们在做板球比赛。)
  更喜欢在雨地里打。(Samoans love to stay out in a cooling rain。)(Samoans enjoy dancing very much。 They also love to play their own version of cricket; a game they learned from the English missionaries。 They play cricket with teams that may have from 10 to 300 players; pared to 11 players in normal cricket game。)
  男女多穿一种叫lava…lava的裙子,其实就是一块布,卷成裙子。(Most Samoan men and some women wear only a lava…lava; a piece of cloth wrapped around the waist like a skirt。 Some wear a blouse or shirt with their lava…lava。 Most of the women wear dresses; or a skirt and blouse。)
  他们的囚犯白天不坐牢,白天照常做自己的事,晚上才到牢里报到。并且监狱也没有铁栏杆(Prisoners live in jail without bars。),房子比平常住的还像样,因为他们平常只住四面通风的fale(open…sided fale),是用椰子树做材料搭起来的。(The people live in open…sided fale(house)that have a thatched roof supported by poles。 They roll down palm leaf blinds when it rains。)
  中国古话说“画地为牢”(to draw a circle on the ground for a prison; as was done in the “good old days”)、说“夜不闭户”(There's no need to close doors at night。)……这些世界大同的标准,西萨摩亚人都做到了。
  《金银岛》(Treasure Island)的作者斯蒂文森(R。 L。 Stevenson)九十年前死在西萨摩亚。只活了四十四岁(他的太太比他大十一岁),死前他写了一首《安魂曲》(Requiem)。(Requiem…1。 A Mass for the repose of a departed soul or souls; 安魂祭(安去世灵魂的弥撒祭)。2。 A setting of the Mass for the dead; 安魂曲(即死者弥撒祭时所奏之曲)的一段乐谱。Also; a piece of like character for other words; 又指吊歌、挽歌。3。 Any grand musical service of hymn in honor of the dead; 对于
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