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Smile——The best Present

            Zhao Hongyan
            Dear teachers and fellow students:
              Good evening。 I m deeply honored that I have the opportunity to 
            talk something about the topic “what is the best present to give 
            other” with everyone here。 
              Different people always have different ideas about the same thing。 
            We may probably get all kinds of answers to the question mentioned 
            above; if we carry on a poll。 A little child may regard the candy or 
            toy he loves as a gesture of friendship。 Someone may think that a 
            book or a piece of information he needs urgently is the best 
            present。 Even someone considers money is valuable。。。 But to most 
            people; even all people; believe it or not; smile is the best 
            present。 The conclusion is not my fabrication。 It can be proved by 
            the experience of David; who is a successful businessman of America。
              “Warm smile is the best present to others; especially to those who 
            are in bad situations。” David knew that it was a truth on a cold 
            winter morning; which changed his life。 
              It was a cold winter day。 Then David was still a nine-year-old 
            boy; with thin; shabby and unfitted clothes; standing at the corner 
            of the main street; just like the other hundreds of little beggars。 
            In his little heart; he regarded the thing he was doing as the worst 
            one; pared with all the other careers。 But he had no other 
            choice; because his family was poor and he badly required a big sum 
            of money。 Mother died when he was five years old。 Father worked for 
            a rich man; earning money to bring him up。 But the day before; he 
            was suddenly ill。 In order to send Father to hospital; he had to 
            make money。 But he wad so young that no factory would adopt him as a 
            worker。 So he had to bee a beggar。
              It was the first day that he was a beggar。 He could not persuade 
            himself to do like others; dragging clothes of the gentlemen or 
            ladies passing by; following him or her until they get the money 
            wanted。 He just stood there; and watched the pedestrians quietly; 
            wishing someone would have bestowed favor。 It got dark and dark。 
            Hunger; anguish; despair and shame made him almost shed tears。 Just 
            at that moment; he caught sight of a young man; who was very 
            important in his later days。 From the first glance; David knew the 
            young man was not the one he had been waiting for; because he was 
            also poor; which could be easily judged from his appearance。 His 
            clothes seemed not much warmer than David s; and the suit on him was 
            unfitted。 David was sure that he himself had no hope to get any 
            money from the young man; but he could not remove his sight from the 
            face。 The reason was that the young man seemed so youthful; so happy 
            and so confident。 David gazed at him until he also paid attention to 
            him。 He came up to David and stopped。 Suddenly a warm and bright 
            smile appeared on his face。 Then he said; “Sorry; little fellow; I 
            have no change for you; but I could take you to my home and offer 
            you a cup of hot coffee; if you like of course。 ”“Thank you! ”David 
            repaid his kindness with a smile。
              That day; David took little money home; but he was not despaired 
            any longer。 From that bright smile; he knew there was another 
            unfortunate man in the world; who lived so happily。
              Thanks God! Father got well soon。 Under his request; father sent 
            him to school; then to college。 Now David need not worry about 
            making living any longer; but he still remember that young man's 
            smile。 When he gives help to people who are in difficulties; he will 
            also give him a sincere smile。
              From the story about David; we can see the importance of smile。 In 
            a certain degree; smile means understanding; tolerance and fort。 
            To those who need help and fort urgently; smile is just like the 
            warm flame in cold winter and disperse the coldness in the heart。 
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