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            Here is how it went:
            〃Hello! I'm interested in the eco…tour you've advertised。〃
              〃Oh; yeah; eco…tour。〃
              〃I'm wondering if we should do anything special as eco…tourists。〃
              〃I'm sorry?…Oh; nothing。 Just enjoy the scenery。〃
              Every conversation ended up with 〃enjoying the scenery。〃 No one 
            mentioned 〃protecting wildlife〃; or 〃respecting local customs〃。 None 
            of them made any mention of responsibility and obligation on the 
            part of tourists。
              Like other students; I have had many dreams of what I would like 
            to do after graduation。 One of these dreams is to run a travel 
            agency。 In this travel agency; I would do three things。
              First; I'd like to have a staff of people who love nature as they 
            love their mothers and can pass on to the cus-tomers the same kind 
            of love。
              Second; I'd like to let customers appreciate the beauty of nature 
            in those natural reservations; safari parks and wild forests and 
            show them how they can contribute in return for the air; water; and 
            nourishment that nature provides。
              Last but not least。 I'd encourage my customers to work as 
            volunteers as I once did。 They would live close to nature by 
            cleaning up the natural resorts and planting trees as mementos of 
            their visit。
              I remember when I was standing on top of the Great Wall。 I could 
            see in some distance many bare mountains with no trees there。 
            Eco…tourism should be an experience of learning and offering; it 
            should not be just seeing the famous sites and posing for photos。 On

              the flag of my agency; I would print this mott
              Take nothing away except memory; leave nothing behind except 
              Join my tour; my dear friends。 1 will make China green  and make 
            the world a better place to live in。
              Thank you。
            王东福 (译)

The Strength of trust
            Xiao Yanzi
            Boys and girls,
              Good afternoon。
              The content that I will give a lecture today is still about the 
            subject that's unchanged since ancient times to now days, which is 
            friendship。 There have been thousands of explanations as for the 
            word 〃friend〃。 But I resolutely think that there is the best 
            definition to explain it, which is Trust。 The story that I read 
            recently makes my idea firm。 
              It happened in Italy four centuries B。C。A young man named Pi Sia 
            was sentenced to death, because of having offended the tyrant。 Pi 
            Sia was a filial son, and he asked to see his old mother before 
            death。 The king promised him , but set down the condition that he 
            must find another person to be in prison instead of him。 The 
            condition was so critical that it was almost impossible to be 
            realized。 But Pi Sia did find such a man, who was his friend named 
            Dameng。 Then Pi Sia went home to bid farewell with Mother as he 
              Days passed quickly, and the term of imprisonment was near at 
            hand, but Pi Sia had not turned back yet。 Most people ascertained 
            that P
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