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ed him。 He saw the marching; shouting crowd as the image of Europe and its history。 Europe was the Grand March。 The march from revolution to revolution; from struggle to struggle; ever onward。
I might put it another way: Franz felt his book life to be unreal。 He yearned for real life; for the touch of people walking side by side with him; for their shouts。 It never occurred to him that what he considered unreal (the work he did in the solitude of the office or library) was in fact his real life; whereas the parades he imagined to be reality were nothing but theater; dance; carnival—in other words; a dream。
During her studies; Sabina lived in a dormitory。 On May Day all the students had to report early in the morning for the parade。 Student officials would comb the building to ensure that no one was missing。 Sabina hid in the lavatory。 Not until long after the building was empty would she go back to her room。 It was quieter than anywhere she could remember。 The only sound was the parade music echoing in the distance。 It was as though she had found refuge inside a shell and the only sound she could hear was the sea of an inimical world。
A year or two after emigrating; she happened to be in Paris on the anniversary of the Russian invasion of her country。 A protest march had been scheduled; and she felt driven to take part。 Fists raised high; the young Frenchmen shouted out slogans condemning Soviet imperialism。 She liked the slogans; but to her surprise she found herself unable to shout along with them。 She lasted no more than a few minutes in the parade。
When she told her French friends about it; they were amazed。 You mean you don't want to fight the occupation of your country? She would have liked to tell them that behind Communism; Fascism; behind all occupations and invasions lurks a more basic; pervasive evil and that the image of that evil was a parade of people marching by with raised fists and shouting identical syllables in unison。 But she knew she would never be able to make them understand。 Embarrassed; she changed the subject。
Franz and Sabina would walk the streets of New York for hours at a time。 The view changed with each step; as if they were following a winding mountain path surrounded by breathtaking scenery: a young man kneeling in the middle of the sidewalk praying;
a few steps away; a beautiful black woman leaning against a tree; a man in a black suit directing an invisible orchestra while crossing the street; a fountain spurting water and a group of construction workers sitting on the rim eating lunch; strange iron ladders running up and down buildings with ugly red facades; so ugly that they were beautiful; and next door; a huge glass skyscraper backed by another; itself topped by a small Arabian pleasure…dome with turrets; galleries; and gilded columns。
She was reminded of her paintings。 There; too; incongruous things came together: a steelworks construction site superimposed on a kerosene lamp; an old…fashioned lamp with a painted…glass shade shattered into tiny splinters and rising up over a desolate landscape of marshland。
Franz said; Beauty in the European sense has always had a premeditated quality to it。 We've always had an aesthetic intention and a long…range plan。 That's what enabled Western man to spend decades building a Gothic cathedral or a Renaissance piazza。 The beauty of New York rests on a completely different base。 It's unintentional。 It arose independent of human design; like a stalagmitic cavern。 Forms which are in themselves quite ugly turn up fortuitously; without design; in such incredible surroundings that they sparkle with a sudden wondrous poetry。 
Sabina said; Unintentional beauty。 Yes。 Another way of putting it might be 'beauty by mistake。' Before beauty disappears entirely from the earth; it will go on existing for a while by mistake。 'Beauty by mistake'—the final phase in the history of beauty。 
And she recalled her first mature painting; which came into being because some red paint had dripped on it by mistake。 Yes; her paintings were based on beauty by mistake; and New York was the secret but authentic homeland of her painting。
Franz said; Perhaps New York's unintentional beauty is much richer and more varied than the excessively strict and composed beauty of human design。 But it's not our European beauty。 It's an alien world。 
Didn't they then at last agree on something?
No。 There is a difference。 Sabina was very much attracted by the alien quality of New York's beauty。 Franz found it intriguing but frightening; it made him feel homesick for Europe。
Sabina understood Franz's distaste for America。 He was the embodiment of Europe: his mother was Viennese; his father French; and he himself was Swiss。
Franz greatly admired Sabina's country。 Whenever she told him about herself and her friends from home; Franz heard the words prison; persecution; enemy tanks; emigration; pamphlets; banned books; banned exhibitions; and he felt a curious mixture of envy and nostalgia。
He made a confession to Sabina。 A philosopher once wrote that everything in my work is unverifiable speculation and called me a 'pseudo…Socrates。' I felt terribly humiliated and made a furious response。 And just think; that laughable episode was the greatest conflict I've ever experienced! The pinnacle of the dramatic possibilities available to my life! We live in two different dimensions; you and I。 You came into my life like Gulliver entering the land of the Lilliputians。 
Sabina protested。 She said that conflict; drama; and tragedy didn't mean a thing; there was nothing inherently valuable in them; nothing deserving of respect or admiration。 What was truly enviable was Franz's work and the fact that he had the peace and quiet to devote himself to it。
Franz shook his head。 When a society is rich; its people don't need to work with their hands; they can devote themselves to activities of the spirit。 We have more and more universities and more and more students。 If students are going to earn degrees; they've got to come up with dissertation topics。 And since dissertations can be written about everything under the sun; the number of topics is infinite。 Sheet
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