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Perhaps it was the fact that no one wished to settle there that caused the state to lose its power over the countryside。 A farmer who no longer owns his own land and is merely a laborer tilling the soil forms no allegiance to either region or work; he has nothing to lose; nothing to fear for。 As a result of such apathy; the countryside had maintained more than a modicum of autonomy and freedom。 The chairman of the collective farm was not brought in from outside (as were all high…level managers in the city); he was elected by the villagers from among themselves。
Because everyone wanted to leave; Tereza and Tomas were in an exceptional position: they had come voluntarily。 If the other villagers took advantage of every opportunity to make day trips to the surrounding towns; Tereza and Tomas were content to remain where they were; which meant that before long they knew the villagers better than the villagers knew one another。
The collective farm chairman became a truly close friend。 He had a wife; four children; and a pig he raised like a dog。 The pig's name was Mefisto; and he was the pride and main attraction of the village。 He would answer his master's call and was always clean and pink; he paraded about on his hoofs like a heavy…thighed woman in high heels。
When Karenin first saw Mefisto; he was very upset and circled him; sniffing; for a long time。 But he soon made friends with him; even to the point of preferring him to the village dogs。 Indeed; he had nothing but scorn for the dogs; because they were all chained to their doghouses and never stopped their silly; unmotivated barking。 Karenin correctly assessed the value of being one of a kind; and I can state without compunction that he greatly appreciated his friendship with the pig。
The chairman was glad to be able to help his former surgeon; though at the same time sad that he could do nothing more。 Tomas became the driver of the pickup truck that took the farm workers out to the fields and hauled equipment。
The collective farm had four large cow sheds as well as a small stable of forty heifers。 Tereza was charged with looking after them and taking them out to pasture twice a day。 Because the closer; easily accessible meadows would eventually be mowed; she had to take her herd into the surrounding hills for grazing; gradually moving farther and farther out and; in the course of the year; covering all the pastureland round about。 As in her small…town youth; she was never without a book; and the minute she reached the day's pasture she would open it and read。
Karenin always kept her company。 He learned to bark at the young cows when they got too frisky and tried to go off on their own; he did so with obvious zest。 He was definitely the happiest of the three。 Never before had his position as keeper of the clock been so respected。 The country was no place for improvisation; the time in which Tereza and Tomas lived was growing closer to the regularity of his time。
One day; after lunch (a time when they both had an hour to themselves); they took a walk with Karenin up the slope behind their cottage。
I don't like the way he's running; said Tereza。
Karenin was limping on a hind leg。 Tomas bent down and carefully felt all along it。 Near the hock he found a small bump。
The next day he sat him in the front seat of the pickup and drove; during his rounds; to the neighboring village; where the local veterinarian lived。 A week later; he paid him another visit。 He came home with the news that Karenin had cancer。
Within three days; Tomas himself; with the vet in attendance; had operated on him。 When Tomas brought him home; Karenin had not quite come out of the anesthesia。 He lay on the rug next to their bed with his eyes open; whimpering; his thigh shaved bare and the incision and six stitches painfully visible。
At last he tried to stand up。 He failed。
Tereza was terrified that he would never walk again。
Don't worry; said Tomas。 He's still under the anesthetic。 
She tried to pick him up; but he snapped at her。 It was the first time he'd ever tried to bite Tereza!
He doesn't know who you are; said Tomas。 He doesn't recognize you。 
They lifted him onto their bed; where he quickly fell asleep; as did they。
At three o'clock that morning; he suddenly woke them up; wagging his tail and climbing all over them; cuddling up to them; unable to have his fill。
It was the first time he'd ever got them up; too! He had always waited until one of them woke up before he dared jump on them。
But when he suddenly came to in the middle of the night; he could not control himself。 Who can tell what distances he covered on his way back? Who knows what phantoms he battled? And now that he was at home with his dear ones; he felt compelled to share his overwhelming joy; a joy of return and rebirth。

The very beginning of Genesis tells us that God created man in order to give him dominion over fish and fowl and all creatures。 Of course; Genesis was written by a man; not a horse。 There is no certainty that God actually did grant man dominion over other creatures。 What seems more likely; in fact; is that man invented God to sanctify the dominion that he had usurped for himself over the cow and the horse。 Yes; the right to kill a deer or a cow is the only thing all of mankind can agree upon; even during the bloodiest of wars。
The reason we take that right for granted is that we stand at the top of the hierarchy。 But let a third party enter the game—a visitor from another planet; for example; someone to whom God says; Thou shalt have dominion over creatures of all other stars —and all at once taking Genesis for granted becomes problematical。 Perhaps a man hitched to the cart of a Martian or roasted on the spit by inhabitants of the Milky Way will recall the veal cutlet he used to slice on his dinner plate and apologize (belatedly!) to the cow。
Walking along with her heifers; driving them in front of her; Tereza was constantly obliged to use discipline; because young cows are frisky and like to run off into the fields。 Karenin kept her company。 He had been going along daily to the pasture with her for two years。 He always enjoyed being strict with the heifers; barking at them; asserting his a
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