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Movie Tunes 原声碟
Where Were You 
Where were you on our wedding day   I heard bad news that you ran away
Where were you on our wedding day   You did me wrong and now you must pay 
Whoah…oh Give me back my ring     Whoah…oh  I ain't gonna let you keep a thing 
Whoah…oh where were you when I said 〃 I do〃   Everybody laughed and my inlaws too 
Where were you when I turned around 

Action English   30
Movie dictionary  电影词典
pan mean 摇镜头
American slang 美国俚语
nuts 傻瓜,病的。
例:Are you nuts ?     
   What? Quit college? Are you nuts? How could you get the job without degree ?
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)That's freaky looking (片中)  freaky 怪的    = creepy 
例:That guy has some realy freaky looking hair 。
(2)I means  我的意思。。。。。。。
例:My boss is really stupid ; I means he's the kind of idiots 。
(3)the heck = the hell 
例:The house is a mess ; what the heck happened ?         I mean What the heck is it anyway ?
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Put your faith in what you most believe in  Two worlds; one family  Trust your heart
Let fate decide  To guide these lives we see   A paradise untouched by man
Within this world blessed with love  A * life; they live in peace 
Softly tread the sand below your feet now  Two worlds; one family  Trust your heart
Let fate decide  To guide these lives we see   Beneath the shelter of the trees
Only love can enter here  A * life; they live in peace  Raise your head up
Lift high the load   Take strength from those that need you  Build high the walls
Build strong the beams  A new life is waiting  But danger's no stranger here 
No words describe a mother's tears  No words can heal a broken heart
A dream is gone; but where there's hope   Somewhere something is calling for you
Two worlds; one family   Trust your heart   Let fate decide  To guide these lives we see

Action English 动感英语  31 
Movie dictionary 电影词典
producer 制片人
American slang 美国俚语
It's just that I got a little bit sidetracked。(片中)
sidetracked 分神, 偏离
例:Peter thought he would go to college right after high school ; but he got sidetracked ; he spent four years in the army first 。
     Hey ; I 'm sorry I didn't have time to buy your back; you know ; there was a sale going on at the CD store ; I got sidetracked。
Classic film clips  电影对白
(1)Why don't you e up with your own sound?(片中)
e up with 找到 / 解决 / 想到   means 〃 to find ; solve ; or think of 〃
例:He; I couldn't find your brother ; all I could e up with is some footprints 。
       Well; I've been working on the problem for hours and haven't e up with a solution。
       Hey; It's great idea; but I didn't e up with it by myself 。
(2)〃well Yeah; you could ;If you could keep up ; But you know ;you can't keep up〃
keep up 赶上  means 〃to move very fast 〃〃to stay near someting or someone 〃
例:Hey; could you talk a little slower?  I can't keep up。
       Hey; he's driving very fast; but we can keep up。
(3)pull yourself together ; you're embarrassing me。(片中)
pull yourself together 镇静 first meaning 〃 calm down; relax〃 ; 重新振作(安慰)
例:Stop screaming ; pull yourself together ; the car didn't hit me 。
I know your dog died ; and you are sad; but that was three years ago; pull yourself together ; ok? pull yourself together and go to work。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
You'll Be in My Heart 
e stop your crying   It will be all right   Just take my hand   Hold it tight 
I will protect you   from all around you   I will be here   Don't you cry   For one so small 
you seem so stong   My arms will hold you ;  keep you safe and warm   This bond between us 
can't be broken   I will be here   Don't you cry   Cause you 'll be in my heart 
Yes ; you'll be in my heart   From this day on   Now and forever more 

Action English 动感英语   32
Movie dictionary  电影词典
epic  史诗片
American slang  美国俚语
bang     重击 v ;大吃一惊n  =surprise 
例:Don't bang the door 
       That suspense movie gave me a big bang at the end 。
      (I never would have expected such a freaky ending )
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)You nearly gave me a heart…attack 。(片中) give sb a heart…attack 吃惊,害怕。
people say this about something that really scares them 
例:Well; he was ok ; but I though he was dead; he nearly gave me a heart…attack!
      My girlfriend loves sky…diving every time ; I see her do it ; It gives me a heart…attack。
(2)but it was accident (片中)
例:Hey; sorry ; I broke your CD player ; but it was an accident 。
      Hey ; Derek was in bad car accident yesterday 。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
Son of Man 
Oh; the power to be strong   and the wisdom to be wise   all these things will e to you in time 
on this journey that you're *   There will be answers that you seek   and it's you ; who'll climb the mountain   yes; it's you who'll reach the peak   son of man ; look to the sky 
lift your spirit ; see it free   someday you'll walk with pride  son of man ; a man in time you'll be 

Action English  动感英语    33
Movie dictionary  电影词典
cast  全体演员; casting 选演员; casting director 挑演员的导演;talentscout 星探
American slang 美国俚语
Are you thick in the head (片中)
To be “thick in the head”or “thick” means stupid 大脑迟钝
例:You're going to steal a car ; Are you thick in the head?
       Hey ; I'm sure Jim doesn't understand ; you know ; he's a little thick 
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)I will miss you Jane (片中) miss   two means :想念   错过
例:I am homesick; I miss my family 。
      I don't have a car right now ; I really miss driving。
      Sorry ; I'm terribly sorry ; I miss your birthday party ; I was terribly sick 。
      Hey; is that program over already; Did I miss it ?
      Don't miss our program 。
(2)Well I suppose we should say goodbye (片中)
I suppose   我认为,我想。means “I think ”, “I guess ”
例:If I'm not going to work ; I suppose I should call the bass and tell him。
       What ? You don't like my idea; I suppose you have a better one 
(3)c'mon Terk ! step on it (片中)  step on it  快点
If you want somebody to move faster ; you can say 〃 step on it 〃
例:Hey ; we're gonna be late for the movi
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