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If you want somebody to move faster ; you can say 〃 step on it 〃
例:Hey ; we're gonna be late for the movie ; step on it ok?
      Hey; man ; I can't wait all day ; could you step on it 。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Strangers Like Me 
Whatever you do  I'll do it too  show me everything   and tell me how   It all means something  
and get nothing to me   I can see there's so much to learn   It's all so dose and yet so far 
I see myself   as people see me   oh ; just know there's something bigger out there 
I wanna know can you show me   I wanna kow about these strangers like me 
Tell me more ;please show me something's familiar   about these stranger like me 

Action English 动感英语   34
Movie dictionary 电影词典
action 开机; cut 停机
American slang 美国俚语   选自“断箭”
give it everything you've got 竭尽全力 means just to try as much as impossible
例:If you give it everything you've got ; the team will win the game。
pass 及格;not pass 不及格
       Hey; don't worry about it; I'm sure if you give it everything you've got ; you'll pass it 。
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)just in case 以防万一
例:Well it may be sunny outside ; but bring an umbrella just in case if it rains 。
      I brought some extra money just in case you don't have enough。
(2)This is a standoff (片中)  standoff 僵局,僵持不下
例:Two guys are equally strong; the fight ended in a standoff 。
Sally and Jeff both have excellent arguments so the debate ended in a standoff。
be tied 平局
例:The score is two to two ; the game is tied。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Over the Rainbow
somewhere ;over the rainbow。。。  。。。。way up high   there's a land that I heard of 。。。。
。。。。once in a lullaby  somewhere over the rainbow   。。。。。skied on blue 
and the dream like ready do   someday I 'll wish upon a star and wake up 
where the clouds are  far behind me   where troubles melf like lemon drops away 
above the chimey tops  that's where you'll find me

Action English 动感英语   35 
Movie dictionary 电影词典
wide screen 宽银幕  16:9 =letter box ;Tv screen 电视屏幕 4:3
American slang 美国俚语
You could have shut me down (片中)
shut sb down  ;  shut down 打败means defeat ; shut sth down 关闭 means close or stop
例:Jane is a very good chess player ; so she shut me down easily
       That pany was doing illegal things so the police shut it down 
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1) You're missing the bigger picture (片中)  
(2) bigger picture 全局考虑  means the full truth of a situation
if someone understands 〃the bigger picture 〃 he understands the plexity and the real truth behind a situation。
例:Well ; it may seem that Bill make a big mistake by quitting the job; but if you look at the bigger picture ;you will see that guy made a good decision。
      You might think; I spent too much money; but if you look at the bigger picture ;you will see that I made a good investment 。
(2)That's the spirit 好样的
例:In the past ; you never studied ; now you study all the time ; that's the spirit。
      Hey; now you are working really hard; that's the spirit
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Singing the Rain   I'm singing in the rain   just singing in the rain  what a glorious feeling 
we're happy again   we'll walk down the lane  with a happy refrain  just sing 
just sing in the rain 

Action English  36
Movie Dictionary
 Biographical Movie 传记片  Biography 传记
American Slang
What a rush!真带劲,好过瘾啊!  rush: n 带来快感的强烈的刺激。
例句  I get a rush from snowboarding。
          Driving my car very fast really gives me a rush。
Classic Film Clips
 We'll call it square。我们扯平了。
例句 Shoot yourself;and we'll call it a square。(影片中对白)
        Hey;you took me out for dinner last night;and today I'll take you out。We'll call it a square。
fair and square =without cheat 公平,公正,光明正大
 例句 We won that game fair and square。
 nerd 痴,书呆子,对一项专业精通但对其它事不闻不问的人。
puter nerd 电脑痴
 例句 Bill Gates may be a puter nerd;but that's why he's so wealthy。
你可能觉得Bill Gates是个电脑痴人,可正因为如此,他才这么的有钱。     
     Don't work too harde on and play。stop being such a nerd。
fold=give up 放弃,退出
例句 I think he's folded。(影片中对白)
      There are too much pressure on him。So he folded and lost the game。
      We were playing poker last night;and I had a very bad hand。So finally I folded it。
Movie Tunes
 Are you lonesome tonight电影“小猪进城”
Key words: lonesome;drift;stray;sweetheart

Action English 37
Movie Dictionary
Blood Curdling(or blood curdler) 恐怖片 Thriller 惊悚片 Horror Movie 恐怖片
Thriller和horror movie统称为blood curdling。两者的区别在于;horror movie中,通常会出现monster;ghost等非真实的恐怖因素,如《糖人》;而 thriller 则是涉及真人参加的murder等恐怖事件,如《沉默的羔羊》。
American Slang
e off as annoying 惹人讨厌
e off as + adj。=give the impression as + adj。
例句  I hope I didn't e off as rude to your mother。 I really want her to like me。
        What he said came off as very mean。 But if you knew the bigger picture; you know the reasons he said it。      他说的话听起来挺刻薄的。但是如果你了解全部经过,你就知道他为什么这么说了。
Classic Film Clips
Don't let it get to you 别为这事心烦,别在意这件事。
Get to sb 让……烦心,生气
例句  The way she spoke to me really gets to me。
         It really gets to me that he stole my money after I had shown him so much generous。
So you wanna do it the hard way;huh? 你想敬酒不吃吃罚酒,是么?
例句  Hey you!Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?You can pay the money back right now;or I'll beat you up。
     The general says to the enemy。You can surrender now or do it the hard way。
Movie Tunes
A heart that's true
Key words:whatever will be will be;It'd have e this far;led me by the hand;make it through

Action English  38
Movie Dictionary
 Box office 票房 Box office hit 高票房 Box office flop 票房毒药
American Slang
Draw=take out a weapon(gun;sword;etc。)
例句 You'd better draw your gun before he shoots you。
        He drew his sword to get ready for battle。
Classic Film Clips
You back…Stabb
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