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        He drew his sword to get ready for battle。
Classic Film Clips
You back…Stabbing murderer。你这阴险的杀人犯。
Back…stabbing adj。阴险的,暗箭伤人的,小人的
例句  Don't trust that back…stabbing guy。He will steal all your money as soon as he has a chance。
Back…stabber n。阴险的人,背信弃义的人。
例句  I was in love with my girlfriend untill I found out that she told all her girlfriends that I was stupid。She's such a back…stabber。
A lesser man would've talked under such torture。
A lesser man 不太正直的人。
例句   Thank you for returning my wallet。 A lesser man would have kept it for himself。  
          You are a lesser man than he is。 Because you lied to me。
Movie Tunes
Because —电影“美国丽人”(American Beauty)
Key words:turn me on;blow my mind;love is old love is new;blue
because the world is round it turns me on  because the world is round。。。aaaaaahhhhhh
because the wind is high it blows my mind because the wind is high。。。。。。aaaaaaaahhhh
love is old; love is new  love is all; love is you  because the sky is blue; it makes me cry
because the sky is blue。。。。。。。aaaaaaaahhhh  aaaaahhhhhhhhhh。。。。

Action English 39
Movie Dictionary
Sound stage 摄影棚   Set 布景
American Slang
That's using the old noodle。    Noodle=brain 脑子,头脑
Use the noodle=use your smarts  动动脑子
例句  Use your noodle to figure out the math problem。
        You haven't used your noodle; so you got ripped off。
Classic Film Clips
Snap out of it。 振作起来,作回自己。
例句  Hey I know you broke up with your girlfriend and you are depressed。But snap out of it。It's not the end of the world。  我知道你和女友分手了,而且你很难过。可你要振作起来,这没什么了不起的。
        Hey I don't know what you are thinking about。But snap out of it。You still have a lot of work to do。
 Sham  n冒牌货  fake=phony adj。假冒的
例句  That pany is a sham。They promise to help you ;but they only steal your money。
         I am a sham。I can't really do all the things I said I can do。
 Is his mom losing her marbles? 他妈妈疯了么?
lose one's marbles=go crazy=lose one's mind 疯了(做了一些很蠢的事情)
例句  Hey have you lost your marbles?Don't tell your girlfriend she's ugly。
       Are you losing your marbles?Are you really got married that guy?
Movie Tunes
Don't rain on my parade ——电影“美国丽人”(American Beauty)
Key words:  Take a spill=fall down
This song is all about that please let me do what I really want to do;and don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do;because they are all my own business。 

Action English 40
Movie Dictionary
 Fan 迷  Movie fan/ a fan of Christina Auguilera    Buff 迷  Movie buff
区别:buff与fan相比,是一种更为俚语化的用法。可以说,movie buff;music buff;但是不能用buff of sth。 or sb。的形式。
American Slang
Pep talk 鼓励人的演说,说辞
例句  My boss gave me a great pep talk before the big meeting。I think it really helped me to close the deal。       在会议之前,老板给我很多鼓励,这使我能够把单子签下来。
       Angela needed a good pep talk after she didn't get asked to the prom。
        Prom 不同于 party。它对中学生来讲是非常重要的一件事情,一种社交场合。
Classic Film Clips
She's in pretty bad shape。她的状况很不好。    Shape=condition
例句  That bicycle is in pretty bad shape。I'll only give you 30 bucks for that。
        He was in pretty bad shape after his girlfriend broke up with him。
This is gonna be tough on both of you。
Be tough on sb。= 1。 be very hard work to acplish one's goal。对…来说很难。
                             2。 对……要求严格,苛刻
例句  Now I know all these studying is tough on you。But when you get accepted to college you'll be happy。
       The coach was just being tough on you because he can see your potential。 
Let's not make this any harder than it has to be。
Make sth。 harder than it has to be=make something easy into something difficult 把……弄得很复杂,多此一举。
例句  Dave is making it harder than it has to be by insisting we wait for the red light before we cross the street。      Dave坚持说要等红灯变绿灯我们才能过马路。他真是多此一举。
       Don't make it harder than it has to be。Just do what boss says so we can all get out here early。
Movie Tunes
 Uninvited —电影“天使之城”
Key words:uninvited;flatter;hot…blooded;crave

Action English 41
Movie Dictionary
Out takes 不被选用的部分镜头   Bloopers 洋相镜头
American Slang
Ya right 骗人,我才不信呢
例句 Ya right you got perfect on the test;you didn't even study。
        You know what?I just made first string on the soccer team。
        Ya right。You can't even run a mile without losing your breath。
Make first string 进入首发阵容
Classic Film Clips
 Here's the deal 你看这样行不行
例句  Here's the deal:I'll give you half the money now and half the money when the DVDs are safely delivered。  老板你看这样行不行啊:我先付你一半钱,等DVD机完好无损的送到我那里,我再付给你另一半。
       Look。These T…shirts are in bad condition。Here's the deal:I'll buy all of them for 30% off;okay?         你瞧这些衬衫都有点毛病。你看这样行不行,我全包了,你给我打七折,怎么样?
 Give it a go=give it a try 试一把
例句  I'm not so sure I'll be able to fix your skateboard;but let's give it a go and see if it works。
       We'll only have 20 minutes left to finish that re
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