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         你饿了么?           我现在能把一只整鸡塞进肚子里。
Classic Film Clips
Put sb。 on the spot = put sb。 in a difficult situation  让……难堪,让…下不来台。
例句  The teacher put me on the spot today when he asked me to read out loud my essay in front of the whole class。       老师让我在全班同学的面前大声朗读我的论文,这真的让我很难堪。
       You're really putting me on the spot by asking me for money。 I don't have that much right now; either。 你管我要钱我很下不来台的。我现在也没有那么多。
Kick sb。 Out = throw sb。 out/send sb。 away   把……轰出去,赶出去。
例句  We had to kick a guy out of the bar for being too drunk。。 He caught fall asleep on the table。  我们昨晚把一个醉鬼给轰出去了。他趴在我的桌上睡着了。
       My girlfriend kicked me out of apartment when she found out I was cheating on her。     我的女朋友发现我在骗她,就把我赶出了公寓。
No biggie = It's nothing / no problem  没什么大不了的
例句  I'm sorry I can't make it to go to your house for dinner tonight。
       No biggie。 I'm too tired to cook a big meal anyway。
       My girlfriend told me it's no biggie that I didn't buy her a present for Valentine's Day。 I don't believe her。 I think she's mad。    我忘了给我女朋友买情人节礼物,可她说这没什么大不了的。我才不信她呢,她肯定气疯了。
Key words:  underground; blame; rejection

Documentary  纪录片  Documentary movie  纪录片
Spill = to reveal or disclose personal information   1。把内心世界讲给别人听  2。(引伸义)泄露
例句  Janny was so upset with the fight she had with her husband。  She had to spill all the details to her mother。       珍妮和丈夫吵架很生气,她得去找妈妈好好地聊一聊。
       Who spilled the news about the surprise birthday party? Now everyone knows; including the birthday girl。       谁把生日宴会这个惊喜泄露出去的?现在包括寿星在内,所有的人都知道了。
Classic Film Clips
Walking felony  危险人物,恐怖人物
例句  That girl is a walking felony in that dress。 She is so *y that she made all the other girls look bad。       那个姑娘可是个危险人物。她穿那个裙子太性感了,其他人都黯然失色了。
       There's a walking felony。 That guy's so drunk that he looks like he's about to ride his bike into the back of the bus。       那有一危险人物。他一定是喝多了,想把自行车往公交车上开。
Am I on glue?    On glue=not thinking clearly  犯傻,冒傻气
例句  She must have been on glue to wear that dress to the party。 It makes her look so bad。       她穿那件裙子去晚会真是冒傻气。那看起来差劲极了。
       Are you on glue? I've told you millions of times that I don't like seafood。 Why do you order lobster?       你是不是脑子进水了?我都告诉你多少次了我不吃海鲜。你为什么还点龙虾?
e on; be serious。=stop dicking around and be more realistic  现实一点,实际一点
例句  Hey c'mon; e serious。 You can't really slam dunk a basketball。
Slam dunk  灌篮,扣篮
MOVIE TUNES 原声碟  Dance Magic—电影“魔幻迷宫”(labyrinth)
Key words: magic; remind; babe; power; voodoo

Action English   62
Movie Dictionary
Splatter movie  暴力电影
American Slang
I blew it  我把……搞砸了
例句  I really wanted to go to law school;but I blew the exams。I can't get in right now。
       I really blew the chances with Marlyn when I told her she looked fat in the dress she's wearing。
Classic Film Clips
Talk sb。 out of sth。 =convince sb。 to change his mind  劝…不要…;劝…改变想法
例句  David was to drop out of school。I'm trying to talk him out of it。
        I can't talk her out of marrying him。She won't listen to me。
 A good look for sb。  ……很适合……;……穿……很漂亮
例句  That light jacket makes you look like a rock star。It's a good look for you。It's so cool。
Cardinal rule=fundamental rule  最基本原则
例句  The first cardinal rule of driving is you must obey all traffic lights。
       The first cardinal rule of speaking good English is keeping practicing。
Movie Tunes
 More Than You Know…电影“疯狂的贝克兄弟”(The Fabulous Baker Boys)

Action English   63
Movie Dictionary
Released  发行
American Slang
No stunt  别玩什么花样
例句  I don't like it when you drive your motorcycle really fast。I'm not interested in those kinds of stunts。
Classic Film Clips
Out of one's mind  疯了,晕了头了
例句  What do you mean you drop out of school to join a rock band?Are you out of your mind?
 A little bell goes off in your head/mind  突然想起一件很重要的事
例句  How could you forget to watch the Action English。It's our program。Didn't a bell go off in your mind to remind you? I don't even know who you are anymore。  我都不知道你是谁了;我都快不认识你了。
例句  First you told me you're from America;then you said you're from Canada;and now I find out you're from Australia。I don't even know who you are anymore。
Movie Tunes
 Makin' Whoopie电影“疯狂的贝克兄弟”(The Fabulous Baker Boys)
Key words: groom; bride

Action English   64
Movie Dictionary
 Dissolve  叠化
American Slang
 Boogie=dance  跳舞
例句  That girl sure knows how to boogie。She's got great moves。
          I love this song。let's boogie。
Classic Film Clips
Time is running out=you have no much time left to do what you're doing  时间不多了 、 时间到了
例句  We've to finish sewing your dress。Time is running out。The dance is tomorrow night。
        The test is tomorrow morning and I haven't even started studying。Time is running out。
 Make it easy on you  放你一马
例句  Instead of climing all these stairs;I'll make it easy on you。We use the elevator。
        I'll make it easy on you;if you promise to be on time for work from now on。I won't fire you for being late today。
Wait a minute = stop what you're doing  稍等一下
例句  Hey wait a minute;I just thought of something。If we take route 6;we'll get there a lot faster。
        If you wait a minute and let me explain;I'll let you know why the Rolling Stones are a better band than the Beatles。
Movie Tunes
 Just You Wait电影“窈窕淑女”(My Fair Lady)
Key words: be sorry; broke; funny

Action English 动感英语   65
Movie dictiona
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