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Key words: be sorry; broke; funny

Action English 动感英语   65
Movie dictionary 电影词典
montage 蒙太奇(法语)
American slang 美国俚语
You're nuts 你疯了吗?
例:Are you nuts ? you drived the car so fast !
Classic film clips 经典对白 
(1)You know what I mean 你明白我的意思吗?
(2)dropped sb 抛弃
例:As soon as I told my girlfriend that I didn't have lot of money; she dropped me (我一告诉我女朋友我没有钱,她就离开我了)
(3)like you never existed 就当这个人不存在
例:They treat me like I never existed 。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Young Heart Run Free What's the sense in sharing; this one and only life
Endin' up; just another lost and lonely wife
You'll count up the years; and they will be filled with tears
Love only breaks up; to start over again   You'll get the baby; but you won't have your man
While he is busy loving every woman that he can; uh…huh
Say I'm gonna leave a hundred times a day  It's easier said than done
When you just can't break away (when you just can't break away)

Action English 动感英语  66
Movie dictionary 电影词典
studio 电影制片厂
American slang 美国俚语
Maybe it isn't such a hot idea (片中)  a hot idea 非常好的主意 
例:I have a hot idea; why don't we have a lunch and go to the beach today; won't there be fun。
   That idea you came up with for the new campaign is really hot。
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)no kidding 当然了  =of course 
例:We have to buy Mom a present for her birthday ; yeah; no kidding 。
     No kidding ; Priston's a hard school to get into ;why do you think I work so hard ?
(2)that was close 你可真够悬的
例:That car almost ran right into you ; that was close 。
      That was close my girlfriend almost saw me talking to another girl。
(3)brace yourself 做好准备
例:Brace yourself the economy might not get better for a while ; start saving money now。
    This rollercoaster is really wild! Brace yourself 
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Everybody's free to feel good 

Action English   67
Movie dictionary 电影词典
doom 话筒
American slang 美国俚语
bimbo 花花公主
例:I don't like that girl; she's always standing at the bar in tight clothes waiting men to buy her drinks。 She’s such a bimbo。
  You can't wear that dress; it's so low cut。 I don't want you looked like a bimbo。
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)big time 非常多,非常大(难度)
例:I'm gonna get in trouble big time ; if I don't do my homework。 Hit big time; baby。
(2)barking up the wrong tree 找错了人
例:you're barking up the wrong tree ; if you think I'm gonna give you guitar lessons ; you know I can't play。
     If you think that Mark ever gonna ask you marry him; you're barking up the wrong tree; he doesn't want to family right now。
(3)catch you later 一会见  = see you later 
例:I'm later for the meeting;so I'll catch you later ; maybe we can see each other tonight。
     I don't want to go to the movies; so I'll catch you later 。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Secret Kingdom

Action English  68
Movie dictionary 电影词典
first AD (assistant director )第一副导演
American slang 美国俚语
take a rain check  改天
例:I can't make it to dinner tonight; can I take a rain check ?
      I 'll take  a rain check on going to the movie ;I have too much work to do tonight 。 
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)a babe fest 帅哥靓女云集的地方。 fest 是festival的缩写
例:Let's go to the beach ;It's a babe fest 。
       The 〃o〃 bar is full of beautiful people ; it's a total babe fest 。
其他:meat fest ; jazz fest ; film fest 
(2)grease some wheels  拉近关系; 花钱贿赂(引申)
例:If you want to make sure your firm gets the account ;you should grease some wheels with  the client。
    We had to grease some wheels to get into the VIP room。
总结:grease some wheels with sb 
           grease some wheels to do sth 
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Once I Was Loved 
         from “水晶鞋与玫瑰花”

Action English  69
Movie dictionary 电影词典
puter graphics (CG)电脑动画
American slang 美国俚语
clueless 脑子不灵活的,笨的
例:That American tourist is so clueless she thinks 100 kuai is a good price for a cup of coffee
       I 'm clueless when it es to woman I have no idea what they want。
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)buddy up with somebody :1。 bee friend 交朋友  2。 very close to somebody 拉近关系
例:Can I buddy up with you ?I need a new lab partner for chemistry class。
      You should buddy up with someone ; you don't want to get lost in the crowd。
(2)drawing a blank 一片空白
I' m totally drawing a blank 。( 片中)
例:I can't remember  the name of that restaurant  we went to last night ;I 'm drawing a blank
      I'm drawing a blank ; what was your brother's  name again。
(3)beat it out of somebody 逼。。。说出(开玩笑)
例:She wouldn't tell me the name of her new boyfriend ;I practically had to beat it out of her 。
      He didn't want to tell me the address to the party ; I had to beat it out of him。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Life in Mono (单一人生)           from “远大前程”
The stranger sang a theme from someone else's dream
The leaves began to fall and no one spoke at all But I can't recall When you e along 

Actiong English   70
Movie dictionary 电影词典
best picture 最佳影片
American slang 美国俚语 (选自“选美俏佳人”)
creepy  有点怪,有点吓人 =strange 
例:That girl is really creepy。 She always staring at me funny。
      I' m afraid to go into that store ; That guy who work there is creepy。
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)got nothing on 没有抓住把柄
You people got nothing on me 。(你没有抓住我的把柄)片中
例:You can't prove that I was the one who stole your bike。
      We can't get her fired ; we're got nothing on her 。
(2)right back at you 彼此彼此, 可译谢谢我也是
例:A: Hey ; you're a really good teacher 。        B: right back at you 。
      A: You look really nice  tonight 。            B: right back at you 。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Don' Lost Your Head  
You shot your mouth 
off like a kid
Who's scared to have a heart 
Losing grip of what really matters 

Action English  71
Movie dictionary 电影词典
feature movie 故事片
American slang  美国俚语
Don't blow it all at once (片中)          from〃Th
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