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American slang 美国俚语
But we are the weirdest herd I've ever seen 。(片中) weird 奇怪的
例:That girl is really weird; she sits alone at school and never talks to anyone。
Classic film clips  经典对白   选自“Ice Age”
(1)I'm sorry I set you up。 (片中) set somebody up 陷害
例:I didn't steal your book; someone must have put it in my bag。 I was set up。
(2)knock it off squirt  (片中) knock it off 停止 =stop  
例:e on guys; knock it off; we need to be serious and figure out a strategy for the game tonight。
   Can you please knock it off? I have lots of homework to do but you're distracting me。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Smile  When you wake up  in the evening and the day is shot   ( 浪费)
find yourself plaining about the things you ain't got never crossed just the
way that you want it to 
Action English  91
Movie dictionary 电影词典
shutter 快门   always on a film camera
American slang 美国俚语
drink …drunk 喝醉的    n。酒鬼  
例:He was so drunk last night that he forgot where he lived。
      After drinking 10 bottles of beer; she was very drunk。
     Her dad is a drunk。
Classic film clips 经典对白   选自“洛城机密”
(1)They had a change of heart 。(片中)
change of heart 改变态度,改变想法;改变主意
例:I was going to break up with my girlfriend but had a change of heart and decided not to。
(2)The chiefs give me the go ahead (片中) go ahead 得到许可
例:I just got the go ahead from my boss to take the weekend off。
     I can't go golfing with you until I get the go ahead from my wife。
(3)Do you follow my drift (片中)
follow my drift  我说的你懂了吗?=do you understand what I mean?
例:I didn't pass my exams so I can't go to university; follow my drift?
    That movie was confusing。 I couldn't follow the drift。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
The Gift 
It never did belong to me   I need to go outside  I need to leave the smoke
cause I can't go on living in the same sick joke  it seems our lives take
on a different kind of twish  the perfect gift 

Action English   92
Movie dictionary 电影词典
fade    渐变 : 所拍画面渐渐由原色转变到隐白或隐黑
American slang 美国俚语
 原句:We got an I。D。 on one of the victims。  
Slang: I。D。    身份;身份证   是identification的简写
e。g。 I couldn’t get into the club last night because I forgot my I。D。。 The bouncer thought I was underage。 
   You need to show your I。D。 when you borrow a book from library。
Classic film clips 经典对白   选自“洛城机密”
1。 pay for    因为某事而收到惩罚 = be punished for something
e。g。 If we get caught; someone’s going to have to pay for it。 
   Why should I pay for your mistakes?
2。 out of hand = out of control    失控
e。g。 The soccer match got out of hand when people started fighting。
   My dog gets out of hand when other dogs are around。 Be careful。 
Movie Tunes 原声碟
from 《迷墙》  ‘mother’   由60年代著名乐队 Pink Floyd 演绎
  Hush( 嘘……,表示让某人安静 ) now baby    别做声宝贝
  Moma don’t you cry   妈妈不会让你哭的
  Moma’s gonna check out all your girl friend for you   妈妈会检查你所有的女朋友
  Moma won’t let anyone dirty get through   妈妈不会让任何人欺负你的
  Moma’s gonna wait up until you get it in 。  妈妈会一直守侯在你身边

Action English   93
Movie dictionary 
#  first take   一场戏的第一个镜头  例如小德鲁巴里摩尔在《E。T》中哭的镜头
American slang 
#  from 《洛城机密》 ‘L。Anfidential’
#  dumb    slang for unintelligent   傻子,愚笨
Eg :  My brother is so dumb。 He thinks New York is the capital of America 。 
Eg :  I’m not dumb ; I know that bike is only worth 20 。 The front wheel is broken。 我可不傻,我知道那辆自行车才20美元,你看前轮都坏了。
Classic film clips 
#   an angle    it means to get something by indirect ways 。   手腕,方法(做名词用)
#   working an angle 通过做某事,企图得到什么  (做动词用)
Eg :  By being nice to the boss ; John was working an angle to get a promotion 。   通过对老板溜须拍马,约翰想得到晋升。
Eg ;  I tried calling her every day ; but that angle doesn’t seem to work 。 
She still won’t go out with me 。我每天都给她打电话,但那好像不太起作用。她还不肯和我出去。
#   play somebody   it means to manipulate someone for your own purpose  利用某人,玩弄某人;欺骗某人;与某人斗志斗勇的谈判
Eg :  My girlfriend is playing me 。 she doesn’t  love me ; she just wants my money 。我女友在玩弄我的感情,她根本不爱我,只是为了我的钱。
Eg :  We have to play this salesman just right 。 So we can get a good deal on the new car。 我们要好好磨磨这个推销员,以便能以很好的价位买下这部车。
#  a look alike(名词)    it means someone or something look exactly like someone or something else 。 一模一样的人或物
Eg :  Saddam uses many look alikes to take his place and protect him from his enemies 。 萨达姆雇佣好多替身,以便防止遭到敌人袭击。
Eg :  I have a pair of jeans that look exactly like yours 。 If I wore them 。 We’d be look alikes 。我有一条和你一模一样的牛仔裤,如果我们穿上它,就像哥俩。
Movie tunes 
#  from 《迷墙》 ‘Nobody’s home’  无人在家    著名乐队Pink Floyd 演唱
  I’ve got wild starting eyes and I’ve got a strong urge to fly  我要睁开双眼,我急切的想飞翔 
  But I’ve got nowhere to fly to   但我不知道将要去哪里 
  Ooooh  babe   哦,宝贝 
  When I picked up the phone   当我拿起电话时 
There’s still nobody home   仍然毫无声响 

#  parallelism   平行主义  指两种不同事物在同一时间同时发生。
#  from 《 L。Anfidential 》
#  go way back   it means they’ve known each other a long time 。   两人很有交情; 旧交了
Eg :  My friend Amy and I go way back 。 We’ve been friends since elementary school 。 我和艾米是旧交了,我们从小学就是朋友了。
Eg :  My grandfather and his friends go way back 。 
They’ve in the Army together during WW11。 
#  I know you think you’re A…number…one hot shot  
#  A…number…one hot shot  it means they’re more powerful or important person 。  老大
Eg :  After Coby dunked 3 basketballs in a row 。 
Everyone thought he was the team’s A#1 hot shot 。
Eg :  She thinks 
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