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American slang  美国俚语
look sharp  提高警惕,振奋
例:Our boss told us to look sharp when the president es for a visit。
     It's hard for the soccer team to look sharp when it's 40 degrees outside。
Classic film clips  经典对白  from“异形2”
(1)It's worth a try 。 (片中)    worth a try  值得一试
例:Applying for that job is worth a try; you might get it。
     If you like her it's worth a try to ask her out she might say yes。
(2)but let's not make snap judgment; please 。(片中)    snap judgment  太草率,太仓促做决定  
例:I'm sorry; I called your bf playboy; It was a snap judgment;I don't even know him。
    You shouldn't have fired me without listening to my explanation; It was a snap judgment 。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
Oogie Boogie's song     Release me fast or     you will have to answer    for this heinous act     oh; brother     you're something you put     me in a spin  
Oogie Boogie's   妖怪,可怕的野兽,吓人的家伙   have to answer   受到惩罚    
heinous  罪恶之极,非常坏    oh; brother  哦,我的天啊    put me in a spin  站不稳    
Action English(162) 动感英语(162)
Movie dictionary  电影词典
Doctor  Zhivago      日瓦格医生   
American Slang   美国俚语 
We're rolling。 (片中)   let’s roll。  我们走,要离开了。 
例:If the waitress doesn't take our order; we're rolling。 
   I don't like this dance club; let's roll。 
Classic film clips   经典对白 
(1)。 We'll be set up for life(片中)   set up for life  衣食无忧 
例: If I win the lottery; I’ll be set up for life。 
    如果我中了彩票;以后生活就不用愁了 。
     Marry him; and she'll be set up for life。 
(2)。 I’m not sure if they’ll nail you right to the wall (片中) nail someone to the wall 重重的惩罚谁 
例: He got nailed to the wall for cheating。 
     If you get caught stealing; you’ll get nailed to the wall。 
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Poor Jack

Action English(163) 动感英语(163)
Movie dictionary  电影词典
prop maker   道具制作人
American slang  美国俚语
Get real; man。(片中)    get real  现实点
例:When I tell people that I want to be a billionaire; they just tell me to get real
    I wish my parent would get real; they think that I will graduate with the best grades in the country。 
Classic film clips   经典对白
(1)few and far between  稀少
例:Fresh strawberries out of season are few and far between。
    It hasn't been a very wet summer; rainy days have been few and far between。
(2)Find yourself a keeper。    keeper   陪伴你一生的人
例:Ever since my dogs followed me home when he was a puppy。I knew he was a keeper。
The photos taken on my 18th birthday party are keepers; I've framed them and hung them on the wall。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
what the world needs now is love。    Lord; we don't need another meadow;     There are cornfields and wheatfields enough to grow;     There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine;     What the world needs now;     Is love; sweet love;

Action English(164) 动感英语(164)
Movie dictionary  电影词典
gaffer  照明电工
American slang  美国俚语
He's hanging in there 。(片中)    hanging in there  保持/坚持某种状态
例:At first i diidn't want to finish the book because it was so long。But I hung in there and read it to the end。
    The hours of training everyday made the althlete want to quit; But he hung in there and won the petition。  每天那么多小时的(大量的)训练使这个运动员想放弃,但是最后还是坚持下来并且赢得了比赛(胜利)。
Classic film clips   经典对白 
(1)Well how else was I supposed to flag you down?(片中) flag you down: 吸引某人注意力=attrack sb's attention
例: When it began to rain; I had to flag down a taxi
When I arrived at the crowded noghtclub; my friend had to flag me down by yelling。
(2) I'm wired(片中)    be wired  精力充沛
例:After 3 cups of coffee last night I felt totally wired。
Movie Tunes   原声碟
〃I'll say a Little Prayer〃 小小祈祷    I ran for the  bus dear    While riding I trhink of us     Dear I'll say a Little Prayer    for you at work ; I just     take time and all through my    coffeebreak time    I say a Little Prayer for you    From the moment I wake up    Before I put on my makeup    I say a Little Prayer for you   

ACTION ENGLISH (165) 动感英语 (165)
equipment staff 道具人员
Thanks a bunch。 (片中)  a bunch = a lot 
例: I thanked my parents a bunch after they gave me a present for my birthday。
There were a bunch of reasons why I couldn’t go to the marathon on the weekend。
1。 That was just show business。 – in the film      show business 做做样子看
例: The manager seemed full of confidence to the other executives; but that was just show business。
It was just show business when the man tried to attract women by wearing expensive suits。
2。 Slide over to my place。 (片中)   Slide 意思是 去什么地方(玩) = go to somewhere/ travel
例: We had dinner at home first; then we wanted to slide into town for some more dri
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