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例:My dream job is to be a lifer on a famous television show。
    The guilty criminal got a lifer; he was sentenced to forty years in prison。
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)You got me?(片中)    You got me?  你明白我的意思吗?
例:I want you home before midnight; you got me?
    Sometimes I just don't got my friend; He hardly eats anything; but he's never hungry。
(2)We're right behind you。(片中)    be right behind sb  支持某人(恰好站在某人的后面)
例:When my uncle decided to run for mayor; the family was right behind him。
    I was right behaind my friend when he was choosing which university courses to take。。  
Movie Tunes  原声碟
Daddy wasn't there    When I was first baptized。    When I was criticized。    When I was ostracized。 

Action English(171) 动感英语(171)
Movie dictionary   电影词典
AVID    一套计算机系统
American Slang   美国俚语
a natural    天才
例:He’s a natural sportsman 。He never trains but still does very well。
    It was the first he’d acted; but he was very good; definitely a natural。
Classic Movie Clips  经典对白
(1)sweet    好的(感觉)
例:He’s got a sweet job ;He just needs to sit and read books all day 。
    He had a sweet season last year; he played great at every game。
(2)on a roll    越来越顺
例:I’ve really been on a roll; I’ve had five dates in the last week。
    He’s made 6 goals; He’s on a roll this game。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
I will always return    I hear the wind call your name     It calls me back home again     It sparks up the fire … a flame that still burns     Oh it's to you I'll always return 
sparks 火星(指火苗)     flame 一缕缕火焰

Action English(172) 动感英语(172)
Movie dictionary  电影词典
monitor  监视器
American slang 美国俚语
I'm just gonna order something to go。(片中)      to go    打包带走吃,外卖,带走
例:I'll have two Big Maces and a large fries to go; please。
    I don't have time to eat at a restaurant; so I'll order some food to go。
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1) I must have missed the memo。 (片中)    memo  备忘录
例:After the conference I wrote a memo on the ideas we had discussed。
    When is the pany trip to Beidahe? I didn't get the memo。
(2)It's danceing with joy!(片中)   dancing with joy  高兴得手舞足蹈
例:When I got my paycheck I was so happy;I was dancing with joy。  
    I was dancing with joy when I met my close friend at the airport。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
You can't take me   Never gonna give in;    Never gonna give it up ;no    if you can't catch a wave;    Then you're never gonna ride it;    You can't e uninvited;

Action English (173)动感英语 (173)
Movie dictionary 电影词典 
stereo sound 扬声器
American slang  美国俚语 
I got us a way out of this mess (片中)    a way out of this mess  想一个方法摆脱麻烦  
例:The traffic is terrible today!  we need to find a way out of this mess。
I have 3 exams and an interview tomorrow。  I really need a way out of this mess!
   我明天有3 次测试和一次面试。我真得想办法摆脱困境。
Classic film clips  经典对白
just get over here 来我这
例:I need you to get over here my office to help me with this report。 
Can you get over here my place and then we'll go to the party together
Somebody's certainly been a busy bee。(片中)    busy bee 很忙碌但效率很快
例:He's not much of a busy bee。  It always take him hours to do a small piece of work 。
I was a real busy bee yesterday and painted the whole house。
Movie Tunes  原声碟      from  
strange things 〃真是怪事”    I was on top of the world    it was right in my pocket    I was living the life    things were just the way they should be    
on top of the world  你的感觉到了顶峰  in my pocket  掌握在手   living the life  享受一生

Action English(174) 动感英语(174)
Movie dictionary  电影词典
film projection  放映电影
American slang 美国俚语
Care to do the honors?(片中)  do the honors  做。。。很荣幸   很多人中单单挑中你做某事,很荣幸
例:Why don't you do the honors and open the bottle of champagne for us all?
    I'll do the honors and open the present。  我很荣幸能打开这个礼物
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)Two and a half yours of undercover work(片中)    undercover     秘密从事的; 秘密的; 被雇进行间谍活动的  undercover work  秘密的工作     (附:undercover work 除了做名词还可以是做动词的,  就是work undercover)
例:The police have to work undercover to capture the drug dealers。
    James Bond works undercover to get secret information from his enemies。
(2)Well;so long(片中)    so long     再见(分别很长的时间)
例:I'll see you when you return of Beijing;so long。      等你返回北京时我们再会,再见。
    Take care and so long;I hope you have a good trip。    保重。一路顺风。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
I will go sailing No More    All the things I thought;    I'd be all the brave things;    I'd done vanished like a snowflake;    with the rising of the sun。
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