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you got me 了解我,理解我   on my side 支持我   rolled their eyes 转眼睛

Action English (198)动感英语(198)
Movie dictionary  电影辞典
The Bridge on the River Kwai“桂河大桥”
American slang  美国俚语
Built up enough of a rapport (片中)   rapport  融洽,和谐   built up a rapport  建立和谐
例: My colloge roommate and I lived together for one year but we never go on very well; I was never able to build up any rapport with him。  我和我的大学室友在一起差不多住了一年了,但我们两个的关系好不起来,我觉得曾经尝试过改变,可是我们两根本没法和谐相处
     Everyone at my office has a very good rapport we enjoy working together。
Classic film clips  经典对白
(1)and don't worry ; I'll play my part (片中)  play one's part  各尽其责,扮演好自己的角色
例:Five of us are going camping next week so I need to play my part and get the food organized ; the others are looking after the tent and equipment。   我们五个人下周要去玩,因此我的工作是把食物准备好,其它四人,一个去准备账蓬,还有一人去准备器材
    We had a conference at work today and were told that everyone needs to play their part ; if we're to successfully finish all our new projects。   今天我们在单位开了一个会,会上说:“每个人都要把自己的活做好了,要不然我们这么多新项目就不能顺利完成”
(2)You're going to confess to the murder (片中)  confess (to )承认,坦白
例:The criminal will definitely be going to jail because as soon as the police arrested him; he confessed。
    那罪犯逃不掉了一定会进监狱;  因为警察一逮住他就马上招了
    My parents were't very happy because I had to confess to them that I didn't get home until four o'clock in the morning。   我的父母那天不高兴了,我不得不主动向父母坦白,那是因为我直到零晨四点才到家。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Get A Move On   动起来   Somebody's got to   keep my body rockin'  跳舞    til late night   I'm warning you    don't try to block me   阻止   on my time    自己支配时间

Action English(199)动感英语(199)
Movie dictionary 电影辞典
Emma Thompson 
American slang  美国俚语
Hang on ; cowboy !(片中)   hang on 等一下
例:A:Are you already at the train station?   你到已经到车站了吗?
   B:Hang on!   等一会。
    A:Hi!  Is Alex home?   嗨,Alex在家吗?
    B:Hang on ; let me go check 。  等一下,我去看看。
Classic film clips  经典对白   from 〃玩具总动员2〃
(1)Let me take the wheel (片中)   take the wheel  掌控
例:My little sister is terrible at cooking ! She should let me take the wheel for this dinner party。
   I really don't understand how to fix this puter ; Can you take the wheel ?
(2)So who's with me ? (片中)  who's with me ?  谁愿意加入我的行列 / 谁同意我
例:I'm going to that new Japanese restaurant to eat some sushi; who's with me?
    I want to study E at Action English program; who's with me?
Movie Tunes 原声碟
You Wanted More    Love is challenging    Love is bold    you will always do   what you are told    love is hard ; love is strong    you will never say that you    
challenging  挑战   bold 强劲   do you will always do 服从别人,总是听从别人的

Action English(200)动感英语(200)
Movie dictionary  电影辞典 
Copyright   著作权    具有保护你的作品的功能。
American slang  美国俚语
I get it 。  (片中)    get it  明白 = understand 
例:Ha ha! I get it。 That's a funny joke。
    This math problem is so hard! I don't get it。
Classic film clips  经典对白   from〃 玩具总动员〃
(1)If the boot fits   (片中)   the boot fits    非常合适,事实如此
例:If the boot fits; you should take this new job。
    I'm so glad Jane decided to bee a dancer; the boot really fits。
(2)How do you like that ? Take it back (片中)   take it back  收回所说的话,为所说的道歉
例:It wasn't nice of you to make fun of your little brother; take it back and never do it again。
    I can't believe you told your gf she was fat! If you don't take it back; you may never see her again。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
Star Light    It's all right    It's okay   I keep holding on today    cuz I'm waiting   for the star light in   you eyes 
hold on  不放弃 。


 reaction shot   反应镜头
AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语  from 
 no sweat   it means no problem or is no trouble 。   没问题,别客气。
e。g。 It’s no sweat for me to drive you to work 。  I’m going in the same direction。 
稍你一程不会耽误我太长时间的,       我和你顺路啊。
“Thanks for helping me with my homework”。  “no sweat” !
谢谢你帮我辅导功课。                     没关系啊! 
1。  I’ll take care of the squealing。
take care of     it means to take responsibility for something 。   处理某事
e。g。 Honey! Don’t worry about the dishes。 I’ll take care of them。 
I’ll go buy the movie tickets。   You take care of the popcorn。 
2。  pinhead  it means someone who’s stupid 。   傻帽,蠢。
e。g。 I’ve told you a million times what my address is ; you pinhead !
Don’t listen to my litter brother。he is a pinhead! 
MOVIE TUNES 原声碟  from 《曼哈顿女佣》 
‘I’m ing out’我将一举成名
 The time has e for me to break out of the shell    时机已到,我即将脱颖而出 
  I have to shot     我要大声呼喊     I’m ing out 。   我将一举成名 
#  break out of the shell 脱颖而出

Handheld shot    手持摄影
Jerk   意思是 a foolish or rude person
e。g。 That guy is such a jerk。 He told me I was fat。 那家伙太粗鲁了,他说我胖!
My boss is
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