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 To “get on somebody's nerves” means to annoy somebody。 惹恼某人
例:My neighbors keep having late parties and the noise is getting on my nerves。
When people smoke near me it really gets on my nerves。
(2)What are you getting all bent out of shape for?
To be “bent out of shape” is to be angry and agitated。 气愤的
例:He had a bad day at work and came home all bent out of shape。
Don't get bent out of shape over something that's not important。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
“The More I look inside” …《小猪历险记》
The more I look inside The more he isn't here
What am I suppose to do When Piglet is not everywhere
The more I rack my brain  The more I search in vain 
I guess I'll have a little snake And wait for it to start to rain
(To “rack your brain” is to think very hard。)
(To “search in vain” is to look for something and not find anything。)

Movie Dictionary
NEOREALISM  新现实主义    (表现现实生活中的画面,接近普通生活的电影类型)
American Slang
Wind up 表示两个人最终走到一起去
I hope to get married one day。 I don’t want to wind up on my own。  
I knew they were good friends at university but I never thought they’d wind up together。  我知道他们大学时是好朋友,但我从没想过他们俩会走到一起去。 
Classic Film Clips
1。    What’s up?(1)=What’s happening? 发生什么事啦 (2) =How are you doing ?你最近怎么样
 So what’s up; are we going to the movies tonight?  你最近怎么样,今晚一起去看电影如何?
   She’s been really upset all day ,I don’t know what’s up with her?  她一整天都心烦意乱的,我不知道她是怎么了?
2。    watch your back =be careful 小心
 It's a very dangerous situation; you really need you watch you back to avoid  getting hurt  那里很危险,你要小心受伤。
3。    You feel me  你懂我的意思吗
  feel my friend 。I know exactly what you’re saying。  我懂我朋友的意思,我非常知道你在说什么。
 I explained to him twice now; but I’m worried he doesn’t know what I’m trying to tell him。  我都向他解释两次了,但是我担心他还是不知道我想告诉他什么。
Movie Tunes
Sing ho for life of a bear 为小熊的生活欢呼
(1)ho 形容欢呼声  (2)expedition 探险  (3)breeze 温柔的风  (4)buzz 蜜蜂的叫声

Action English   125
Movie dictionary 
Art Director  艺术指导
American slang   #  from 《怪医杜利德》
#  If this punk tries anything fresh … in the film 
#  fresh   it means all behavior are impropriate 。 行为举止不得体
E g : If anyone acts fresh in class then the teacher sends his straight out to the headmaster 。 
E g : He’s very fresh 。   He’s always asking girls ; he’s just met to go out with him 。 
Classic film clips 
#  on the other hand ; thanks to you  in the film      on the other hand   另一方面
E g : I’d really like to go on holiday to Hawaii and sit on the beach 。On the other hand ; I also want to visit New York’s famous galleries 。
E g : It’s gonna be expensive traveling by plane 。 But on the other hand we don’t have enough time to drive there 。
#  plus ; you’ll be saving face  in the film     to save face  挽回脸面
E g : He can’t swim but to save face when they go to the lake he always says he’s just eaten 。 
 After the big problem at the factory, to save face 。The pany had to blame the machinery 。
Movie tunes     from 《小猪历险记》 
‘ forting to know’ 很高兴知道
 When the heart of the hundred Acre Wood is heating 
  And time is passing through 
  There’s a shadow looking like a rainbow’s halo 
  And there I’m resembling you  
#  rainbow  彩虹,代表希望    halo 天使的光环    resembling  找寻

Action English 126
Movie dictionary
 Follow Shot 跟镜头
American slang
break it down … in the film     break it down (to sb。)   (给谁)详细讲,讲明白
I don't understand this idea at all; you have to break it down to me。
For his presentation he first gave us an overview then he broke down  the ideas to help us understand。
Classic film clips 
1。 No way!  in the film     no way 绝对不可能,别想了
I really don't like Sally; there is no way I'm going to her party tonight。
我非常不喜欢Sally; 我绝对不会去她的舞会的。
There's no way I'm going to pass the exams; because I haven't studied at all。
2。  Take a hike!  in the film     take a hike 走开,一边歇着去
注意:go on hike 徒步旅行(不能应用”take”)
She was constantly being rude to me; so I told her to take a hike and leave me alone。
He kept on getting into trouble at school so finally they told him to take a hike。
Movie tunes

John Wayne 约翰 韦恩
AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语  《星战前传》
The scheme of yours has failed。 – in the film
scheme = secret = dishonest plan 阴谋、诡计
She’s figured out a scheme to get us into the movies for free。她想出了一个鬼点子让我们免费看电影。
1.It’s a standoff。 – in the film
standoff 指双方意见不一致时双方都坚持己见不肯让步而产生的僵局
e。g。 Both sides would not give in。 The debate ended in standoff。
2.odd play 一反常态的行为举止
e。g。 It was an odd play for you to vacation in Thailand; you don’t even like to swim。
Everyone thought that it was an odd play for her to quit her job – they didn’t know she found a better one。  大家都认为她辞掉工作太反常了,他们不知道她找到了一份更好的。
3.Let’s split up。 – in the film    split up = break apart  分开
e。g。 The couple split up after 25 years of marriage。
If we want to find Angela; we s
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